
  • 网络acute toxicity;Acute toxic effect
  1. 体内抑瘤试验证明F3对小鼠无急性毒作用,并且对小鼠Lewis肺癌有抑制作用。

    The proliferation inhibition effect of F 3 on Lewis lung cancer was also proved in mice with no acute toxicity .

  2. 结果颗粒物PM2.5对模型组和正常组动物均产生急性毒作用,且存在剂量反应关系;

    Results PM 2.5 could induce the acute toxicity to both model rats and control rats , and dose-response relationships were observed in all indexes .

  3. 大气PM(2.5)对自发性高血压大鼠心脏的急性毒作用

    Study on Acute Toxic Effects of PM_ ( 2.5 ) on Heart in Spontaneous Hypertension Rats

  4. 结论MTBE对小脑急性毒作用可能与神经递质GABA含量的改变有关;

    Conclusion ( 1 ) The acute toxic effect of MTBE in the cerebellum is relevant to the neurotransmitter GABA .

  5. 结果:对急性毒作用带较宽的化学物质,应用人工神经网络方法计算其LD50,能客观地反映实际情况,且节省人力和动物。

    Results : Computing LD 50 by artificial neural networks was practical for the chemical material with broad acute toxic zone .

  6. 甲基叔丁基醚对大鼠小脑急性毒作用研究

    Acute Toxic Effect of Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether in Cerebellum of Rat

  7. 敌敌畏对大鼠心血管功能的急性毒作用

    Toxic Effects of Dichlorvos on Cardiovascular Functions in Rats

  8. 三氯乙烯亚急性毒作用研究

    The Study on Trichloroethylene Sub acute Toxic Effects

  9. 主要急性毒作用是对循环、中枢神经及血液系统的作用。

    The main acute toxicity was effects on the circulation , blood and central nerve systems .

  10. 急性毒副作用LCAF+C组最重,CF组最轻。

    The acute toxicities were most serious in LCAFR + C group and relatively slight in CFR group .

  11. 目的探讨吡罗昔康介导的声动力效应对乳腺癌细胞的急性细胞毒作用及其作用机制。

    Objective To observe the acute cytotoxic effect and apoptosis of sonodynamic therapy ( SDT ) with piroxicam on human mammary cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 and explore its potential mechanism .

  12. 结论氨磷汀能有效减少局部晚期非小细胞肺癌的同步放化疗的急性毒副作用,且不降低抗肿瘤效应。

    Objective To evaluate the efficacies of radiochemotherapy ( RCT ) alone and RCT plus pretreatment with amifostine on local advanced non-small-cell lung cancer ( NSCLC ) and their side effects .

  13. [方法]通过实验动物急性毒性试验来确定该物质的急性毒性等级,通过大鼠28天吸入毒性试验找出亚急性毒作用浓度阈值及靶器官。

    [ Methods ] To confirm acute toxicity grade by acute toxicity test in experiment animal .