
  • 网络Sociology of Sexuality;sociological research in sexuality;sociology of sex
  1. 主体建构:性社会学研究视角的革命及本土发展空间

    Subjective Construction : Methodological revolution in sexuality research and potential development in Chinese context

  2. 近代理性主义的当代反思&试论理性主义对当代社会发展理论的影响和科学发展观产生的必然性社会学视角下对当代社会门当户对择偶观的再认识

    On the contemporary reflection of the modern rationalism & on the impact of the modern rationalism on the contemporary society development viewpoint and inevitability of the appearance of scientific Views of development

  3. 本文借助于女性主义理论和性社会学的著述,论述了性权利和同性婚姻的双向促进关系,希望多种学科能够以不同的视角共同推进性权平等和同性婚姻的法律进程。

    This paper discusses mutually promotional relation on sexual right and same-sex marriage with writings on the theory of the feminist and sexual sociology and hopes to push the legal process in concert of the equal sexual right and same-sex marriage with diverse subjects in various angles .

  4. 现代性是社会学研究的核心问题。

    Modernity is the core issue of the sociology study .

  5. 医患关系的双主体性及其社会学内涵

    Double - subjective Quality and Sociological Connotation of Doctor-patient Relationship

  6. 全球化背景下个人同一性的社会学讨论

    Personal Identity in the Globalization Setting : A Sociological Approach

  7. 以此为基础,本研究检视了文献中最具代表性的社会学本土化内涵。

    On this basis , this study examines the most representative connotation of sociology indigenization in the literature .

  8. 所以,研究首先进行的是对主体性进行社会学降解,以形成社会学所能研究和考察的主体性概念。

    So , our first job is carrying out a sociological degradation , which makes subjectivity can be used by sociology .

  9. 默顿的中层理论,以及可以分解为可操作的经验变量,它们来自基础性的社会学范畴,但切合中国史境。

    Merton 's " middle-range theory " and some empirical variables , coming from sociological basic concepts and corresponding with Chinese context .

  10. 现代性是社会学的中心主题,是贯穿古典社会学、现代社会学和后现代社会学的一根主线。

    Modernity is a core theme of sociology , and one principle thread of permeating through classical sociology , modern sociology and post-modern sociology .

  11. 彝族纠纷解决群体性的法社会学解读

    Yi Nationality Dispute Resolution Group of Sociology of Law Interpretation

  12. 城市化进程中农民工性问题的社会学分析

    Sociological study on the potential danger of uneasy and sex-starved migrant workers

  13. 全科医生的社会性及医学社会学素养

    The Sociality and Medical Sociology Quality of General Practitioners

  14. 席勒美学是其人性论和社会学思想在理论上的表现。

    Friedrich Schiller 's theory of Aesthetics is the reflection of his thoughts in the humanities and sociology .

  15. 社会的文化性决定了社会学的文化性,社会学的产生、发展、研究视野与文化紧密相连。

    The cultural feature of society determines the cultural feature of sociology . The rise , development and research vision are related to the culture tightly .

  16. 法的有效性可以从社会学、伦理学、法律教义学的维度加以理解,与此相对应存在着3种效力不同的法:民间法、自然法、国家法。

    The effectivity of law may be understood in the dimension of sociology , ethics , the science of legal doctrine , there are three types law that their validity are different : civil law , nature law , national law .

  17. 从话语分析到反思性&科学知识社会学发展的一个新趋向

    From Discourse Analysis to Reflexivity & A New Trend in SSK

  18. 民族旅游消费不可持续性问题成因的社会学探析&来自贵州民族旅游开发地区的调查与思考

    A Sociological Analysis of the Causes of Non-Continuation Issue in Ethnic Tourist Consumption

  19. 侵财性犯罪行为的社会学分析

    A Sociological Analysis of the Property-embezzling Crimes

  20. 人类攻击性问题一直是社会学,心理学,犯罪学等领域众多学者关注的热点问题。

    Human aggression has been a hot issue in sociology , psychology , criminology and other subjects .

  21. 个体安全研究:回顾与展望&现代性的迷局与社会学理论的更新

    Individual Security Study : Retrospect and Prospect & The Confusion of Modernity and the Renewal of Sociological Theory

  22. 从公正性的经济学与社会学视角,分析了从平均到先富等收入分配政策的社会公正性。

    This paper attempts an analysis on the equalitarianism and being leading wealthy from the perspective of economic and social justice .

  23. 规范性正当性与社会学正当性的区分确实相当重要,但我们并不需要单独把这个问题拿出来深入探讨。

    The distinction between normative and sociological legitimacy is important , but , by itself , it doesn 't get us very far .

  24. 社会网络分析是一种应用性很强的社会学研究方法,成功地解决了一些社会学问题,得到了广泛的关注。

    As an applicable sociological research method , social networks analysis ( SNA ) has solved lots of problems in sociology successfully , being widespread concerned .

  25. 由于个人与社会的关系问题所具有的元理论意义,对这一问题的理解和预定性假设贯穿在社会学知识的整个过程。

    Due to the meta-theoretical significance of the relationship between the individual and society , understanding and presuppositions of this issue run through the whole sociological information .

  26. 课程社会学基础的研究,内容包括课程研究的社会学范式,课程的社会性分析,教育社会学流派对课程的透析等。

    The content of the basic study on course sociology includes the sociological pattern of course study , the sociological analysis of courses , and the dialysis of education sociology schools on courses .

  27. 这一系列过程经历了由描述性科学到规范性科学、由社会学层次过渡到认识论层次,展现了女性主义者对理想科学的追求和向往。

    It undergoes a series of process from descriptive science to standard science , from the level of sociology to the level of epistemology , showing the feminist 's desire of pursuing ideal science .

  28. 分别从比较法角度分析取得时效的普遍性;从法社会学角度分析文化接受性;从经济学角度分析取得时效的合理价值追求。

    This chapter analyzes the universality of acquisitive prescription from a comparative law point ; cultural acceptability from the perspective of sociology of law ; and value of the pursuit from an economic point of view of the reasonable .

  29. 法律社会学孕育、成长于现代性的母体中,现代性是法律社会学研究范式的内在理据。

    The modernity gave birth to and brought up sociology of law , it is the potential reason of the study paradigm of sociology of Law .

  30. 合法性问题是政治学研究的一个重要理论问题,把合法性作为一种社会学现象来加以研究首推马克斯·韦伯。

    The legitimacy is an important theory question for politics research . The pioneer who took the legitimacy as one kind of sociological phenomenon to study is Marx Weber .