
  • 网络theory of human nature
  1. 我希望我把翻译的一些局限性说清楚。

    I hope I 've demonstrated that translation has some limits .

  2. 医生故意把她病情的严重性说得轻些。

    The doctor played down the serious nature of her illness .

  3. 我认为它的安全性说,戈尔的气味老鼠。

    I think it 's safe to say that Gore smells a rat .

  4. 他犯了一个很严重的错误,但他意图把它的严重性说成很小。

    He 'd made a bad mistake , but tried to minimize its seriousness .

  5. 其心性说之间究竟是什么关系?

    What are the relationships between the m ?

  6. 坚持教唆犯独立性说是贯彻刑法个人责任的要求;

    To recognize the independence of instigation is required by the principle of personal responsibility ;

  7. 理论上关于此问题主要有从属性说、独立性说以及二重性说。

    Theory on this issue mainly from the property that , independence and the duality of that said .

  8. 有关结果加重犯的加重处罚根据,危险性说虽然有一定的合理性,但是这种理论也有致命缺陷。

    Considering the foundation of Consequential Aggravated Penalties , though Risk Theory possesses certain rationality , this theory has a fatal flaw .

  9. 本文第二部分深入细致地说明了共犯独立性说的基本内容,并指出了共犯独立性说的意义与不足。

    Part ⅱ introduces the common content of theory of independency of accomplice , and point out the meaning and flaw of this theory .

  10. 其次是共同犯罪的最基本的理论即犯罪共同说与行为共同说,共犯从属性说与共犯独立性说。

    Second is the most basic of joint crime theory that crime common said and behavior , said together with accomplice dependency said accomplice independency .

  11. 法海本《坛经》的基本佛学思想之一,是佛性说而非般若义。

    One of the basic Buddhist philosophical thoughts of Tan Jing ( Fahai edition ) is Buddhist nature than Bo Re ( enlightenment ) theory .

  12. 军方发言人尽力把灾难的严重性说得很轻,但在几个小时之内,人们都清楚地知道至少有五条船已被击沉。

    Military spokespeople tried to play down the seriousness of the disaster , but within a few hours it was clear that at least five ships had been sunk .

  13. 据悉,该草案规定,让学生对性说“不”并教师的教育方法,教师真正要做的是让学生“有利的性关系”的价值。

    It will tell teachers that children should not be taught to say no to sex – but should learn about the value of " mutually rewarding sexual relationships " .

  14. 其次,在紧急避险的正当化根据问题上,以法益衡量说为基础,兼采社会相当性说的观点较为妥当。

    Secondly , on the justified basis of the problem of necessity , it is more appropriate to measure the benefits that the law is based on very nature can be either a provident society .

  15. 因此,慧远与罗什的讨论对于中国佛教涅盘佛性说、判教理论、禅修论等理论的发展影响深远。

    As the conclusion , the discussion between Huiyuan and Kuma ^ raji ^ va had its vital importance on the development of the Nirvana buddha-nature theory , teaching classification theory , cultivation theory of Chinese Buddhism .

  16. 本文以四性说为理论根据,阐述了未成年人暴力的内在成因,并提出加强一般教育与个别教育相结合、调整未成年人心理结构的治理路径。

    This article explicates inner factors of under age people in violence , based on on four natures , and put forward the administrable methods of reinforcing the unity between ordinary education and individual education , adjust their psychal structure .

  17. 总体上来看,道家的人性论可以归结为一种自然主义人性论,因此其养性说可以归结为因性说。第二部分,本章论述了先秦儒道修养途径。

    Overall , the Taoist theory of human nature is a naturalistic theory , so that its cultivation can be regarded as " following the nature " . The second part : This chapter discusses the way of Pre-Qin Confucian and Taoism .

  18. 但中国的刑法学者关于规范刑法学中犯罪本质的认识存在三个误区:第一,认为社会危害性说与法益侵害说是关于犯罪本质学说的分歧;

    There are three kinds of misapprehension in the realization of criminal essence by Chinese criminal law experts : the first , they consider the divergence of the theory of criminal essence is between " harm to society " and " harm to legal interest ";

  19. 事实上,关于对财物这一概念的理解上的争议,中外刑法概莫能外,如国外刑法理论关于财物的理解就有有体性说、持有可能说、管理可能说、效用说四种典型的观点。

    In fact , as for the controversy on the understanding of the concept of property , which exists both in domestic and overseas criminal laws , for example , there are four typical opinions that are Tangibility , Holding Possibility , Manageable Possibility and Effect Theory on overseas .

  20. 这一罪行的严重性怎么说也不为过。

    The seriousness of the crime cannot be overstated .

  21. 对国际私法中特征性履行说问题的探讨

    Discussion on the Theory of Characteristic Performance in International Private Law

  22. 他们年纪都比我大。他防卫性地说。

    They 're all older than me , he said defensively .

  23. 这些机器从新奇性上说有一定的价值,像是成年人的玩具。

    Machines have a certain novelty value , like toys for adults .

  24. 儒家性品级说的开端

    The Beginning of Confucianist Doctrine of Human Natures ' Ranking

  25. 无菌性化脓说质疑

    The Query of the Theory of Bacteria - free Suppuration

  26. 你的行为缺乏一致性&说的是一回事,做的却是另一回事!

    Your behavior lacks consistency & you say one thing and do another !

  27. 而在教育中,无论是作为教学现象,还是作为教学思想,教学中的问题性可以说也是由来已久。

    It has a long history since the problematic phenomena were considered in the instruction .

  28. 其中,流动性可以说是整个商业银行体系的命脉。

    Among them , the liquidity even is the whole commercial bank " lifeline " .

  29. 非英语专业英语学习者对搭配的任意性或者说固定性的重视仍然不足。

    College non-English majors do not pay enough attention to the arbitrariness or fixedness of collocations .

  30. 这不仅意味着倾听性工作者说的话,更意味着放大我们的声音。

    That means not only listening to sex workers when we speak but amplifying our voices .