
  1. 我想我应该等到总理的记者会开完了再说。

    I thought I should hold off until after the premier 's press conference .

  2. 释意理论观照下的两会总理记者招待会口译

    On Interpretation of Premier 's Press Conference during NPC and CPPCC Sessions from the Perspective of the Interpretive Theory

  3. 问:今天早些时候,我参加了中国总理的记者招待会。

    Q. Earlier today , I was at the Chinese prime minister 's press conference .

  4. 我们从广播里听了总理举行的记者招待会。

    We listened in on the premier 's press conference .

  5. 在跟墨克尔总理举行的联合记者会上,有记者问,中东和平进程多年来一直举步维艰,为什么他认为现在可以取得进展。

    At a news conference with Chancellor Merkel in the courtyard of Dresden Castle , the president was asked to explain the reason why he believes the time is right for progress in a peace process that has been stalemated for years .