
  • 网络abp
  1. 已在国内取得初步成就的总部基地将以更创新的理念与模式,与更多中国企业共同努力走出国门,走进伦敦。

    ABP , that has made some achievements at home , will go global and enter into London with other Chinese enterprises with more innovative model and pattern .

  2. 他们在紧张的访华期间,选择到总部基地来探访考察,希望看到北京乃至中国经济最真实的一面。

    During their short stay in Beijing , they choose to pay a special visit to ABP Beijing , hoping to have a real understanding of Beijing and even China 's economy .

  3. 除了在纽约JFK机场的总部基地,尼尔曼避免拥挤的大型机场。

    With the exception of its home base , New Yor 's JFK , Neeleman avoids the big congested hubs .

  4. 长春市发展东北亚总部基地战略及对策研究

    Strategy Research on Changchun Develops to the Northeast Asia Headquarters Base

  5. 总部基地热谈总部经济

    Hot lssues over Headquarter Economy at Headquarter Bases

  6. 独立办公楼区,为各大航空物流公司量身定制总部基地。

    Separate office area ; customize headquarters bases for each large aviation logistics company .

  7. 长治市企业总部基地大厦详细规划设计

    Detailed design of Changzhi enterprises headquarters base edifice

  8. 此次到访北京总部基地是近三年来的首次率团专程考察,可谓意义重大。

    This visit is significant for it is the first special delegation visit for3 years .

  9. 总部基地拒绝置评。

    ABP refused to comment .

  10. 它对于总部基地来说,是开发创新产品的一种理念和运营思维。

    To ABP , New Mother Town is a new thinking and concept to develop new products .

  11. 分析人士表示,合并后的新公司很可能会以商业中心上海为总部基地。

    Analysts say any new consolidated entity would probably be based in Shanghai , the commercial capital .

  12. 振兴老工业基地的相关政策对建立总部基地有着直接的作用。

    The revitalization of the old industrial base policy to establish headquarters base has a direct role in .

  13. 许为平表示:总部基地相信,伦敦是发展全球业务的理想地点。

    ABP believes London is the ideal place from which to grow a global business , Mr Xu said .

  14. 总部基地在中国北京已经取得了成功,总部基地模式如今也发展到中国东北、华北等区域并取得了初步成果。

    ABP has gained initial success in China , with its expansion to China Northeast , North China and other regions .

  15. 现在比较好的一点,我们与项目相关的机构和公司都对总部基地有了不少了解。

    Adam Harman : Now , the situation is better for we and relevant organizations have come to understand ABP better .

  16. 美国的巧克力爱好者不必担心,因为此次召回并没有影响到位于美国的公司总部基地。

    Chocolate lovers in the United States need not worry as the recall does not extend to the company 's home base .

  17. 企业总部基地作为办公集群的新型模式,伴随着总部经济的发展,逐渐受到广泛的关注。

    Advanced Business Park ( ABP ) as the new office cluster has been widely concerned with the development of headquarters economy .

  18. 总部基地的基因,可谓在一张白纸上去创造一个完整的、全新的、系统化的总部经济区。

    The original intention of ABP is to draw a complete , brand-new and systematic headquarters economy zone picture in a blank sheet .

  19. 此外,格里芬还特别向许为平问到:总部基地为什么在德国法兰克福与英国伦敦之间最终选择落户伦敦?

    In addition , Triffin particularly asked for Xu 's reason for choosing London as his investment place , rather than Frankfurt , Germany .

  20. 对象主要包括航空公司总部基地公司、机场运营总部、航空关联企业总部、航空商务服务总部及航空研发总部等。

    Objects including airlines headquarters , the operational headquarters , aviation , aviation enterprise headquarters associated business services headquarters and aviation r & d , etc.

  21. 鹰联航空、国航等航空总部基地正在紧张建设,这些航空企业将成为您开展临空商务的专业伙伴。

    United eagle airlines , China aviation headquarters are nervous as construction , the aviation enterprise will become your business partner in the professional area .

  22. 双方在北京总部基地贵宾室就两国企业的商贸往来,特别是中国企业如何顺利进入英国发展进行了开诚布公的深入探讨。

    Both parties made deep discussion on trade between two countries , especially on the Chinese enterprises entering into the UK market in a frank way .

  23. 与此同时,许为平还表示,今年下半年,总部基地将会把新母城的战略研究和实践进一步落实。

    Meanwhile , he also said that ABP will further apply the strategy research of New Mother Town into practice in the second half of this year .

  24. 新母城建设应有一个理念与经验去指导实践。对此,总部基地的成功将是一个非常好的借鉴。

    Meanwhile , the building of New Mother Town requires systemic theory and experience to guild it , which can be learned from the successful experience of ABP .

  25. 据国际海事组织称,“新星号”所属浙江的一家运输公司,总部基地位于广州。

    According the International Maritime Organization , the owner of New Star is a shipping company of Zhejiang , while the operator is a company based in Guangzhou .

  26. 对于推动总部基地发展的因素,主要通过总部产业推动和城市功能目标转变两个方面来加以分析。

    There were two sides was analyzed for the factors of the promoting the Headquarter-base , one is Headquarter-industry , the other is the transition of city function .

  27. 总部基地(东区)地处北京市重要的高新技术产业基地&中关村丰台科技园范围内。

    Advanced Business Park ( East Zone ) is located at the Fengtai Science Park of Zhongguancun National Innovation Demonstration Zone , the major high-tech industry base in Beijing .

  28. 格里芬在会谈中表示,对于吸引中国企业乃至总部基地模式走进伦敦,鲍里斯市长特别高兴。伦敦市长很欢迎新兴经济。

    Triffin indicated that it has been a delight to Mayor Boris that Chinese enterprises and even ABP model can go into London for Mayor Boris welcomes emerging economies .

  29. 目前,英国方面希望总部基地在伦敦的投资建设,能促成一个中国、伦敦及亚太地区新兴市场的企业经济区,并希望“有经验的人告诉我们怎么做”。

    Now , Britain hopes that the London project invested by ABP will develop into an economic zone of headquarters enterprises for China , London and even the Asia-Pacific region .

  30. 牛彤表示,总部基地的八年发展历程与中国宏观经济的发展轨迹相吻合,处于良好的稳步发展状态。

    Niu Tong said that the eight-year development history of ABP is in line with the development trend of China 's macro economy , both in a stable developing state .