
zǒnɡ duì
  • Corps;a unit in an army corresponding to a regiment or division
总队 [zǒng duì]
  • [troops forming a squadron] 由各分队组编的军事团体,总指挥机关的级别与师、团相当

  1. 二战期间他在英国皇家空军海防总队服役。

    During the second world war he served with RAF Coastal Command

  2. 据财经新闻网站财新网周三晚报道,中国证监会(CSRC)稽查总队副总队长习龙生近日被从办公室带走。

    Financial website Caixin reported late on Wednesday that Xi Longsheng , chief inspection officer at the China Securities Regulatory Commission , had been escorted from his office by investigators in recent days .

  3. 内卫部队由各总队和机动师组成。

    The internal security forces are composed of contingents and mobile divisions .

  4. 结果:三所武警内卫总队医院机动卫勤分队的保障能力各不相同。

    RESULTS : The support capability was various in the three mobile squads .

  5. 湖南省消防总队移动办公系统项目建设方案

    Project of Mobile office Automation for Hunan Fire Corps

  6. 单位:中国人民武装警察部队广东总队医院。

    SETTING : Guangdong General Hospital of Chinese People 's Armed Police Force .

  7. 空军海防总队说有几千英里的。

    Coastal command say there are several thousand miles .

  8. 可方便实现企业调查总队的问卷收集和处理工作。

    Can facilitate the achievement of the business survey questionnaire Corps collection and processing .

  9. 让黄总队看起来与他同班同学如此不同的是一个辨识度极高的标志。

    There are a number of subtle indicators that distinguish Huang from his classmates .

  10. 武警北京总队第二医院现在还暂停了包括接受任何新病人在内的所有的医疗服务。

    The hospital has also suspended all its medical services , including receiving any new patients .

  11. 北京武警总队第二医院尚未对此事发表任何评论。

    The Second Hospital of the Beijing Armed Police Corps has not yet commented on the case .

  12. 城市居民和农村居民生活状况的数据来源于国家统计局重庆调查总队。

    The data on the livelihood of urban and rural residents come from NBS Survey Office in Chongqing .

  13. 消防总队目发展课程

    Principal Fireman Development Course

  14. 国家统计局江苏调查总队的数据显示,江苏人收入持续增长的势头并未发生改变。

    Jiangsu Survey Organization National Bureau of Statistics data show that Jiangsu 's revenue growth momentum has not changed .

  15. 关于城市消防总队配置消防车数量预测问题的数学模型

    A mathematical model for estimating that how many fire engines should be equipped to the fire brigade of a large city

  16. 以象征性母题为引发点的设计手法&武警福建总队招待中心方案设计

    The designing method based on symbolic basic topic & The designing for the entertaining centre of head troop of armed police

  17. 北京武警总队第三医院专家提醒:比献出的血更宝贵的是你的真情。

    Third Hospital of Beijing Armed Police Corps experts advise : More precious than the blood of sacrificed is your truth .

  18. 记中国红十字会救护总队与战时卫生人员训练所卫生立法迫在眉睫


  19. 为总队应对复杂激烈的市场环境提供了战略调整的整体方案和思路。

    This provides the overall program and thinking of the strategic adjustment for x corps to face the complex and fierce market environment .

  20. 然而,与总队列相比,很少对腕部骨折患者进行骨质疏松进行评估和处理。

    However , patients with wrist fractures were less likely to be evaluated and managed for osteoporosis as compared with the overall cohort .

  21. 前言:目的:健全武警内卫总队医院机动卫勤分队保障能力的评价方法。

    AIM : To establish an evaluation method for the support capability of mobile squad of medical service in armed police troops hospitals .

  22. 救护总队部的林可胜时期(1938~1942年),是中国红十字会抗战救护最辉煌的时期。

    Lin Ke-sheng Time ( 1938-1942 ) of the headquarters of the ambulance corps is the most splendid period of the Red Cross in China .

  23. 协会在1997年成立,下属机构有各区县志愿者协会等60多支专业性直属志愿者总队。

    The association was founded in 1997 , affiliated institutions have the District Volunteers Association , more than 60 professional volunteer unit directly under the .

  24. 武警部队设总部、总队(师)、支队(团)三级领导机关。

    The Armed Police Force has three echelons of leadership , namely , general headquarters , contingent ( division ) and detachment ( regiment ) .

  25. 省交警总队指挥监控中心气体灭火系统几点体会

    A bit realization about the gas fire extinguishing system in the commanding and monitoring center of the Traffic Police 's Army Unit in the Province

  26. 中国海监总队是一个准军事化的海上执法机构,该机构日渐身处中国及其邻国之间发生的领土争端的核心位置。

    China Marine Surveillance is a paramilitary maritime law-enforcement agency that has found itself increasingly at the center of territorial disputes between China and its neighbors .

  27. 设计了一个面向武警总队信息网的安全态势感知系统原型,并对数据采集、设备管理和指标量化三个主要功能模块进行了实现。

    A prototype system of CAPF-NSSA was designed , and realized the mainly function modules that contained situational data acquisition , device management and situational quantization .

  28. 北京市交通执法总队尚未对证实该报报道的要求做出回应,其网站上也没有发布任何相关内容。

    The Beijing traffic enforcement unit did not respond to request for confirmation of the announcement carried in the paper and has posted nothing on its website .

  29. 微博发布后,立即引发网友热议。新民网记者了解到,事发路段为于南北高架共和新路立交附近。上海警方今天回应称,目前市公安局交警总队高架支队已经找到这辆大巴车,并将依法定程序对此事开展调查。

    Police started investigation after a picture of the men urinating on the North-South Elevated Road was posted online yesterday morning , causing indignation on the Internet .

  30. 百度在其微博帐号上说,魏则西前去就医的武警北京总队第二医院是一家顶级医院。

    On its Weibo account , Baidu said that the Second Hospital of the Beijing Armed Police Corps , where Mr. Wei received treatment , is a top-level institution .