
  • 网络malicious overdraft
  1. 恶意透支型信用卡犯罪应独立成罪;

    Set an individual crime of malicious overdraft of credit card ;

  2. 主要包括使用型信用卡诈骗和恶意透支行为。

    Mainly include the use of credit card fraud and malicious overdraft behavior .

  3. 论信用卡恶意透支型犯罪立法科学化

    On the Legislation Scientization of the Credit Card Overdrawing Crime

  4. 恶意透支型信用卡诈骗研究

    Research on the Crime of Credit-card Defraud by Malicious Overdraft

  5. 信用卡恶意透支案件侦查思路探析

    Exploration and Analysis on the Investigation Thinking to Cases of Credit Card Malicious Overdraft

  6. 恶意透支信用卡诈骗犯罪,是新型的多发性犯罪。

    Maliciously overdraft of credit card fraud , is a new type of multiple crimes .

  7. 恶意透支行为的主观罪过形式是故意,具有非法占有目的;

    The subjective requirement of malicious overdraft is intentional , which is intention by illegal possession .

  8. (四)恶意透支的。

    Overdrawing with ill intentions .

  9. 骗领信用卡人不能成为恶意透支的犯罪主体;

    People who got credit cards fraudulently cannot become the subject of the crime of malicious overdraft .

  10. 第一,我不是故意恶意透支的,且是第一次发生这种情况。

    First , I was not intentionally malicious overdraft , and is the first time this happens .

  11. 第三部分论述我国信用卡恶意透支风险法律控制所存在的缺陷。

    The third part dwell on the deficiencies of legal control system of credit card malicious overdraft risks in our country .

  12. 从恶意透支行为的主体包括合法持卡人和骗领信用卡的人;

    The subject of the act of malicious overdraft includes this legal cardholder and that cardholder who gains credit card by defrauding .

  13. 首先分析了信用卡诈骗罪中恶意透支行为与其他三种表现形式的关系和区别,然后从信用卡的透支功能着手,对恶意透支进行分析,明确了善意透支和恶意透支的界限。

    Then it analyzes malicious overdraft crimes from the overdraft function of credit card to definite the graceful overdraft and malicious overdraft .

  14. 恶意透支型信用卡犯罪因其在主体及客观行为上存在的特殊性而应单独列罪。

    Because of its special corpus and objective behaviors , the malice overdraw a credit card crime should be alone row offense .

  15. 对使用伪造、作废信用卡、冒用他人信用卡,恶意透支行为,应区别不同情况分别处理;

    Different punishments shall be given to using mock credit cards , expired credit cards , others ' credit cards , or malicious overdraft .

  16. 恶意透支不具有诈骗的实质,不宜定信用卡诈骗罪,有必要另立罪名。

    Malicious overdraw without swindle essence may not be determined as credit cards crime of Swindling and it is necessary to create a new accusation .

  17. 最后,讨论了恶意透支型信用卡犯罪是否应从信用卡诈骗罪中独立出来的问题,笔者认为应慎之,不宜独立成罪。

    About this question , the author think it should be cautious , and the malicious overdraft credit card crime should not be an independent crime .

  18. 最后,在总结国内外部分信用卡管理的成功经验和具体措施的基础之上,提出了一个由内到外、至上而下的防范信用卡恶意透支发生的管理模式。

    Finally , this study provides a management model for preventing malicious overdraft of credit card from happening , from inside to outside and from above to bottom .

  19. 然而,在我国理论界与司法实践中,对恶意透支型信用卡犯罪的认定还存在着较大争议,且问题较多,法律规定不明确。

    However , in our theoretical and judicial practice , type of malicious overdraft credit card Crimes still exist many problems ; bigger dispute , law stipulates not clear .

  20. 本部分介绍了恶意透支的概念、善意透支和恶意透支的区分,以及在实践中恶意透支的常见表现形式。

    The concept of malicious overdraft , the distinction of bona fide and malicious overdraft , and the common forms of malicious overdraft in practice are introduced in this part .

  21. 具体设罪如下:第196条之一持卡人恶意透支,构成犯罪的,依照第196条的规定处罚。

    Have the crime concretely as follows : Article 196a : The holder overdraws maliciously , if the case constitutes a crime , punish according to the regulation of Article 196 .

  22. 在这个部分,笔者着重探讨单位是否应构成恶意透支型信用卡诈骗罪的主体,笔者建议单位应当构成该罪的主体。

    Unit should constitute the corpus of that offense . Finally , if the malicious overdraft credit card crime should be independent from the crime of credit card fraud is discussed .

  23. 与信用卡有关的勾结犯罪、持有犯罪、恶意透支等问题也应区别对待。

    And it should be differently determined to collude with others for crimes relating to credit card , to possess credit card , to evilly overdraw through credit card and so on .

  24. 由于持卡人挂失之时起24小时之后的风险损失由发卡银行承担,许多的遗失假冒风险到最后就演变成了恶意透支风险。

    As holders accepted 24 hours after the time of the risk of loss borne by the card-issuing banks , many of the risk of loss finally evolved into fake malicious overdraft risk .

  25. 在基层司法实践中,如何准确理解该解释的立法意图,有效的适用解释应对恶意透支型信用卡诈骗犯罪尚有疑问。

    In judicial practice of the basic level , we should how to correctly understand the interpretation of the legislative intent , how to effectively apply the interpretation to malicious overdraft credit card fraud .

  26. 但是,与此同时,恶意透支型信用卡诈骗犯罪也日益猖獗,成泛滥之势,成为了金融市场发展的一个隐患。

    However , at the same time , malicious Overdraft credit card fraud has become increasingly rampant , as the spread of the potential , and it also has become a hidden danger of developing financial markets .

  27. 在主体要件中,阐述了单位应当成为本罪主体的原因,并着重分析了恶意透支型信用卡诈骗罪的主体仅限于合法持卡人的理由。

    Talking the subject factor , the author discusses the reason why units should be the crime subject of the crime of fraud by credit card in current justice ; and highly analyzes malicious overdraft cardholder is legitimate cardholders .

  28. 因此如何准确定性恶意透支行为,有效打击恶意透支型信用卡诈骗犯罪,保障我国信用卡业务健康发展、银行资金安全、金融秩序稳定业已成为当务之急。

    Consequently how to determine malicious overdraft behavior accurately , strike malicious overdraft effectively , guarantee healthy development of our country credit card business , bank funds safety , steady financial order has become urgent matter of the moment .

  29. 其中重点探讨了信用卡诈骗罪的客观方面,对刑法规定的信用卡诈骗罪的五种行为方式,尤其是恶意透支(?)行了较为详尽的论述。

    Which focused on the objective aspect of the crime of credit card fraud , the provisions of the criminal law on the crime of credit card fraud five behavior way , especially malicious overdraft carried on elaborated exhaustively .

  30. 在各种社会控制手段中,由于法律所具有的独特的社会调控功能,以及对信用的有效调整和保障,使得法律成为了对信用卡恶意透支风险进行控制的最佳选择。

    In various means of social control , since legal system has the unique social control function , as well as the effective regulation and guarantee of credit , legal system is the best choice for risk control of credit card malicious overdraft .