
sǒng rán
  • terrified;horrified
悚然 [sǒng rán]
  • [terrified;horrified] 形容害怕的样子

  • 毛骨悚然

  • 若士举臂而竦身,遂入云中。--《淮南子.道应》

  • 举戈林竦,挥锋电灭。--《文选.木华.海赋》

  • 我很悚然,一见她的眼钉着我的,背上也就遭了芒刺一般。--鲁迅《祝福》

悚然[sǒng rán]
  1. 他逼我们悚然质问我们的宪法奠定了什么?

    He forces on us the appalling questions : of what is our constitution made ?

  2. 冬天的夜晚更是静的悚然,没有百虫争鸣,没有城市的喧闹,只是静静的。

    Winter night is quiet erect , not100 insects contention , there is no city noise , just quiet .

  3. 战栗不已的守墓人服从了这位人民斗士的命令,将嘉比里拉的遗体从墓中掘出,而雕刻家则开始忙于他那令人悚然的任务。

    The trembling grave-keeper obeyed the people 's champion and exhumed Gabrielle 's body , and the sculptor set about his grisly task .

  4. 您对于英雄所受的苦难悚然惊心,可是您预感到英雄将带来一种更强烈的快乐。

    He shudders at the sufferings which will befall the hero , and yet anticipates in them a higher , much more overpowering joy .

  5. 复杂及紧凑的程度,远远的超过一般的悚然及悬疑的小说。

    Complex and densely plotted , this is not an ordinary thriller and suspense story , but far more a discernment into human emotions .

  6. 从自己的令人悚然的经历中,我学会当我开始在某个明确的人周围无以名状地开始怀疑自己时,是留下一个建设性的怨恨的时候了。

    I 've learned through creepy experience that when I start inexplicably doubting myself around a specific person , it 's time to hold a good constructive grudge .

  7. 它们在哲学女神的闪电似的目光下惨然变色,悚然颤抖了,直至酒神祭的艺术家以巨灵之掌强迫它们为这位新神服务。

    they pale and tremble before the lightning eye of this goddess , until the mighty fist of the Dionysian artist forces them into the service of a new divinity .

  8. 坟墓间回荡着的钟声,听来令人悚然惊惧,它警告你又一个钟头业已过去,而时光的消逝,就像一个大浪,在不停地把我们卷向坟墓。

    It is almost startling to hear this warning of departed time sounding among the tombs , and telling the lapse of the hour , which , like a billow , has rolled us onward towards the grave .