
wù dào
  • Enlightenment;realize the truth or philosophic theory;grasp the truth
悟道 [wù dào]
  • [grasp the truth] 领会道理,佛教指领会佛理

  • 悟道成佛

悟道[wù dào]
  1. 超验与悟道&象征主义与中国古典诗学

    Transcendence and Grasping the Truth & Symbolism and Chinese Classic Poems

  2. 悟道与守望&豪放的两种风格

    Realizing Tao and Keeping Watch & Two Styles of Bold and Unconstrained

  3. 悟道不过是一种体认,而不是什么改变。

    W-188.1.4 Enlightenment is but a recognition , not a change at all .

  4. 对中晚唐僧人草书现象产生的原因进行探讨:禅宗的兴盛使得僧人用草书作为参禅悟道的手段;

    Discuss the reason of why the phenomenon of cursive script monk produced .

  5. 它纪念了佛陀出生、悟道及涅盘的三件大事。

    It commemorates the Birth , Enlightenment and Final Nirvana of the Buddha .

  6. 悟道的方式,决定了传统武术的经验性质;

    The way to realize has determined the experience nature of traditional Wushu .

  7. 第三章:明清文人画中的神仙意蕴;成仙悟道是与中国艺术审美思维相通的。

    Becoming immortals through the enlightenment of Tao is connected with the artistic aesthetic concept of China .

  8. 佛是在菩提树下悟道的,菩提又名榕树。

    The Bodhi tree , under which Buddha attained enlightenment , was a banyan by another name .

  9. 中国的商业巨头、亿万富翁马云,现如今正在向各位企业家们教授“太极悟道”课程。

    Chinese business magnate and multi-billionaire Jack Ma is now offering tai chi philosophy classes for entrepreneurs .

  10. 参禅悟道是中唐士人的常态,刘商也不例外。

    Liu Shang is not an exception to the atmosphere of the mastery of Zen in Mid-Tang dynasty .

  11. 这种乐是悟道之乐,是在主观内在自觉基础上达到的顿悟之乐。

    This joy is attained by getting enlightenment , and it is based on the intrinsic sudden enlightenment .

  12. 悟道的方式有很多种,按照这些方法修行占据了和尚的大部分时间。

    There are many paths to enlightenment and following them consumes a large part of the monk 's waking hours .

  13. 保罗:如果没有摘星的兴奋,不给你悟道的承诺,怎还会有人追求它呢?

    Paul : Why would anyone choose for that , if there is no gold star , no promise of fulfillment ?

  14. 人们能够在语言中,如同在出神入化的工作中去体悟道,经验存在。

    One living in the language is just as experiencing Tao and Being in the work without any concept and ration .

  15. 佛祖在菩提树下悟道;纳尔逊?曼德拉在狱中觉醒;灵魂大师瑞姆?达;斯则在致幻剂中获得升华。

    The Buddha found it under a Boddhi tree , Nelson Mandela in prison and spiritual guru Ram Dass through psychedelic drugs .

  16. 我将不在这里谈论这些意识流的细节,它们代表许多悟道存有们正在运作的意识层次。

    I will not deal with these streams in detail , for many of them represent levels of consciousness that the Enlightened Ones work with .

  17. 在《华严经入法界品》中,善财尊者经过五十三参之后,终于悟道。

    In the Entering the Dharma Realm Chapter of the Flower Adornment Sutra , Sudhana obtains enlightenment after he learns from fifty three good knowing advisors .

  18. 从悟道、修身养性两方面阐述了中国传统园林作为一种认识方法和生活方式的深刻意义。

    Starting from cultivating one 's moral character , this article expounds some profound significances of traditional gardens having influence on cognitive method and way of life .

  19. 因此,山水词中也蕴涵着一定的禅韵禅机,诸如水月之境、山林之音、山水悟道等。

    So there are Buddhist allegorical Charm and gestures in the Landscape-Ci , such as the concept of mountain and water , the tone of mountain forest .

  20. 参禅悟道本是禅家之事,但在宋代,文人喜禅成了风尚。

    It would be what Buddhists did to practice meditation and realize the truth of Buddhism , but in the Song Dynasty , Zen became a fashion of scholars .

  21. 道教山水悟道诗是道教诗歌的一个重大题材,亦是中国古代山水诗的一个重要组成部分。

    Taoist poem about realizing the truth of Tao in nature is a significant theme of Taoist poetry and an important component of ancient Chinese poetry about mountains and waters .

  22. 以此为切入点,文章旨在探讨红楼诸艳的宗教态度和佛学修养,及其与宝玉参禅悟道、出家解脱的联系和差异性。

    With this point , this article aims to discuss the connection and difference between Baoyu 's Buddhist meditation and entering into religion and the girls'religious attitude and the Buddhist culture .

  23. 米尔林说道:制片人看到我先是一愣,然后恍然大悟道:‘天哪,我们必须得采取点行动了。’这让我感到很内疚。

    They ( the producers ) did this double take , ' Oh my God , we are going to have to do something ,' and I felt guilty , said Melling .

  24. 禅师默然、握住青年人的手。青年醍醐灌顶似的顿悟道:大师,您是想告诉我,我应该心存感恩,回报他人吗?

    The Zen master silently holds out a hand , inspiring the young man to a realization : Master , are you telling me that I should be thankful and give back ?

  25. 在佛陀的时期,许多人在遇见佛陀或倾听他的教学以后悟道,但是,在早先的生活中,他们是从实践禅定的当中,完善的洞察到生命真相。

    In the time of the Buddha , many people gained realisation after meeting the Buddha or listening to his teaching , but they had mature insight from practising meditation in previous lives .

  26. 佛经中提到,对于造成如此丧失机会的事情,若有人即便是片刻的随喜,也会有数百辈子不得值遇证悟道。

    In the sutras , it is stated that someone who rejoices even momentarily over something that leads to such a lost opportunity will not encounter the path of enlightenment for hundreds of lifetimes .

  27. 最后四句是唐朝贵族李通玄读《华严经》悟道以后讲过一句名偈,意谓法界万有都是在同一时间、空间的基点上存在的。

    In the limitless realm , there is no segregation between self and others ; In all periods of time , past and present , it has never been disassociated with the present instant .

  28. 丁尼生对老子思想的接受和想像从诗中的四个方面,即“老子弃城”、“道与悟道”、“人生徒劳”以及“出路”体现了出来。

    Tennyson 's acceptance and envisioning of LauTsze , are shown in four aspects in the poem , namely ," City-Deserting "," Tao and its Comprehension "," Futile Life " and " Way Out " .

  29. 该模式以生态教育为理念,以生命体验为核心,以静虚待物、入境移情和畅神悟道的审美活动为教学程序,具有体验性、审美性、主体性、生活性和整合性的特点。

    The model is constructed with the concept of ecological education and life experience as the core , with the aesthetic activities for the teaching process . The Characteristics is experience , aesthetic , the principal of the life and Integrity .

  30. 文章主要考察了元代少数民族汉语诗歌景物描写的鲜明个性:突出的地域性特征,热烈的爱国、报国之志以及深刻的参惮悟道的情结。

    In the Yuan Dynasty , national minority poets created quantity of poems of scenery description , which , in addition to the general features of the time , have their own individualities : outstanding regional features , ardent patriotism and deep Buddhist complex .
