
bēi jù
  • tragedy;tragic;tragic drama
悲剧 [bēi jù]
  • (1) [tragedy;tragic]

  • (2) 描写主角与占优势的力量(如命运、环境,社会)之间冲突的发展,最后达到悲惨的或灾祸性的结局

  • (3) 比喻悲惨不幸的遭遇

  • 个人的悲剧扩大而成为民族的悲剧。--郭沫若《甲申三百年祭》

悲剧[bēi jù]
  1. 我们不能坐视这样的悲剧发生。

    We cannot just sit by and watch this tragedy happen .

  2. 他们正在设法避免更大的悲剧发生。

    They were trying to prevent an even worse tragedy .

  3. 这场悲剧给他后来的岁月蒙上了阴影。

    It was a tragedy that darkened his later life .

  4. 这出戏把闹剧和悲剧交织为一体。

    The play was a cross between a farce and a tragedy .

  5. 他把李尔王刻画成一位真正的悲剧人物。

    He makes King Lear a truly tragic figure .

  6. 与大家的看法相反,他对这出悲剧没有责任。

    Contrary to popular belief , he was not responsible for the tragedy .

  7. 悲剧的反响波及全世界。

    The tragedy resounded around the world .

  8. 在某种意义上,对这个悲剧我们大家都有责任。

    There is a sense in which we are all to blame for the tragedy .

  9. 整个事件以悲剧而告终。

    The whole affair ended in tragedy .

  10. 两天后悲剧发生了。

    Two days later tragedy struck .

  11. 这是一长串悲剧事件中最新的一件。

    It 's the latest in a long line of tragedies .

  12. 额外的流血和牺牲只会加重这场悲剧。

    Additional bloodshed and loss of life will only compound the tragedy

  13. 故事从一个哥特式悲剧升华为神奇的童话。

    The story ascends from a gothic tragedy to a miraculous fairy-tale .

  14. 那笔钱带来的只有伤心、痛苦和悲剧。

    All that money brought nothing but sadness and misery and tragedy .

  15. 剧情从喜剧逐渐发展为情节剧,最后又演变为悲剧。

    The action slips from comedy to melodrama and finally to tragedy .

  16. 这个故事兼有悲剧与闹剧的元素。

    The story has elements of tragedy and farce .

  17. 报告说两艘船存在的设计缺陷也促成了这场悲剧的发生。

    The report says design faults in both the vessels contributed to the tragedy

  18. 昨天险些酿成一场新的悲剧。

    A fresh tragedy was narrowly averted yesterday .

  19. 贾尔斯触发了随后的一系列事件,这些事件最终将以悲剧收场。

    Giles set in motion a train of events which would culminate in tragedy .

  20. 这起事件本会以悲剧收场。

    The incident could have ended in tragedy

  21. 如果该运动因这一问题被回避而承受无法弥补的损失,那将是何种悲剧。

    What a tragedy if the sport suffers irretrievable damage because this issue is ducked .

  22. 那场悲剧是完全可以避免的。

    The tragedy was entirely avoidable .

  23. 悲剧笼罩着薇尔梅特的一生。

    Tragedy has marked Wilmette 's life

  24. 悲剧作品使悲伤和灾难得到了升华。

    Tragic literature dignifies sorrow and disaster

  25. 如果男人和女人都被工作所束缚,那将会是一场悲剧。

    It would be a tragedy if both sexes were enslaved to the god of work .

  26. 时隔40年后,现在我可以回顾整个悲剧了。

    Now I can look back on the whole tragedy from a distance of forty years .

  27. 悲剧开始相互交叠。

    The tragedies begin to interlock

  28. 古典希腊悲剧

    a classic Greek tragedy .

  29. 除了我丈夫之外,我与所有男人的感情都以悲剧收场。

    Every single relationship I 've had with a man , outside of my husband , has ended in disaster .

  30. 贯穿始终的是一个悲剧主题,特别是汤姆·霍华德的故事。

    There is a theme of tragedy that runs through it : I 'm thinking in particular of the story of Tom Howard .