
  • 网络emotional learning;Social and Emotional Learning;Affective Learning;affect learning
  1. 儿童与成年人作为学习者的异同通常被忽略,更不用说引入情感学习。

    However , the likenesses and differences of adults and children as second language learners are frequently ignored , let alone the introduction of affective learning .

  2. 基于大脑情感学习的转台逆模型补偿控制

    Inverse Model Compensation Control of Turntable Based on Brain Emotional Learning

  3. 基于大脑情感学习模型的转台伺服系统设计

    Design of Brain Emotional Learning Model Based Turntable Servo System

  4. 基于大脑情感学习的推力矢量无人机姿态控制

    Attitude control of thrust vectoring unmanned aerial vehicle based on brain emotional learning

  5. 变推力轴线无人机的大脑情感学习智能飞行控制

    Brain Emotional Learning Based Intelligent Flight Control for A Variable Thrust Axis Based UAV

  6. 新中学英语课堂教学设计中,提出学生的学习目标应从认知学习目标,心理运动学习目标和情感学习目标着手。

    In the design of English-teaching class , learners ' aims should be based on ' tasks of cognition , psychology and affection .

  7. 指出物质学习环境、资源学习环境、技术学习环境和情感学习环境的失调的原因。

    The author points out the causes of imbalances of physical learning environment , resourceful learning environment , technological learning environment and emotional learning environment .

  8. 其情感学习目标与形成一定的态度,提高鉴赏力,更新价值观念,情感塑造等等有关。

    The task of affection is related with forming attitude , improving ability to appreciate , renewing ideas of value , molding affect and so on .

  9. 听力理解能力直接影响英语学习的效果,其过程是一个复杂的心理过程,受到诸多个人心理因素的影响,与社会/情感学习策略的运用有着密切联系。

    Listening comprehension ability directly affects English study . As a complex psychological course which is influenced by numbers of individually psychological factors , it has a close relation with the applying of social / affective strategy .

  10. 情感学习模型根据机器人的内、外环境状态,产生情感因子(即生物激素),再由情感因子来调节神经系统的记忆和行为决策,最后神经系统的记忆与行为模式又由遗传系统得以继承。

    The emotion-learning model produces emotional factors ( hormones ) based on inner and outer conditions of the robot , then uses these factors to regulate neural system , at last the memorization and behavior mode of neural system is exported to genetic environment .

  11. 如果缺乏积极情感,学习者的认知能力就会大打折扣。

    Lack of positive affective will reduce students ' cognitive ability .

  12. 学习情感对学习活动具有重要影响。

    Learning affect has a major influence on learning activities .

  13. 解读情感在学习中的功能

    On the Function of the Emotions in Learning

  14. 比如,阅读动机,其核心是成就动机。强化认识情感、学习目标、社会信息可以强化阅读动机。

    Strenthening cognition emotion , learning target , social information can strengthen reading motive .

  15. 教师的课堂行为对学生的情感和学习成绩的影响

    The Effects of the Teacher 's Classroom Behavior on Students ' Affect and Learning Achievements

  16. 主要建议有:建立职校生个人辅导制度,从职校生的职业、心理、情感、学习等方面提供帮助;

    The main suggestions are : building up the vocational school student personal guidance system ;

  17. [背景]情感和学习记忆是认知功能的核心,学习和记忆是所有认知功能的基础。

    [ Background ] Emotion , learning and memory are the core components of cognitive functions .

  18. 认知和情感是学习者应该提高的两个方面,不能偏废任何一方。

    Cognitive and affective are two aspects which the learners should raise , can not neglect either .

  19. 学习积极性涉及人的情绪、情感、学习动机及学习兴趣等诸多因素。

    Learning-activeness is concerned with many factors like people 's mood and feeling , their learning motive and learning interest etc .

  20. 由于学生大部分时间都在学校接受教师的教育,教师逐渐成为了学生生活中的重要他人,在教育教学过程中不断的影响着学生的情感、学习、态度和行为。

    Teacher affect the students ' emotion , study , attitude and behavior in the teaching process as an important others .

  21. 大学生学习动机的性别、年级、不同科类的差异;大学生专业情感与学习动机的关系。

    General level of learning motivation , difference of sex , grade and major , and professional emotion of college students were observed mainly .

  22. 语言教学理论家开始重视对学习者个人因素的研究,而情感与学习策略是个人因素的两个重要组成部分。

    Language teaching theorists begin to attach importance to the research on individual language learners . Affect and learning strategies are two important components in this field .

  23. 在英语教学中,情感指学习者的感情、感觉、情绪、态度等心理体验过程。

    In English language teaching , the term " emotion " is used to imply learner 's soul experience & feelings , perception , moods , and preferences .

  24. 关键词:德育教育;无痕渗透;学习情感;学习习惯;学习策略;学习意识;人生观价值观。

    Key phrase : Moral culture education ; Imperceptible education ; Study emotion ; Study habit ; Study strategy ; Study consciousness ; Philosophy of life and social .

  25. 情感指学习者在学习过程中的感情、感觉、情绪、态度等因素,它们在外语学习与教学过程中起着重要作用。

    Affectivity refers to the learner 's feelings , emotions and attitudes during the process of learning . It plays a significant role in foreign language learning and teaching .

  26. 学生的个体差异,包括个性,情感,学习动机,学习能力以及学习风格等等也引起了教育者们的广泛关注。

    The individual differences of students , including personality , emotion , learning motivation , learning ability , learning style and so on also cause the wide attention of educators .

  27. 学习者如果能对物理学科产生强烈的探究情感,学习必然主动,积极参与便成为学习物理的驱动力。

    If students can explore the physics to produce strong emotions , their learning must take the initiative . Students will become actively involved in the driving force to study physics .

  28. 中小学英语是一脉相承却又互相独立的两个不同的义务教育阶段。如何有效满足小升初学生学英语的情感与学习需求变化,是一个急需解决的现实问题。

    Primary and junior school English are two different stages of a continuum in basic education . How to meet students ' English emotional and learning needs effectively is a pressing issue .

  29. 在第二外语教学中,情感指学习者在学习过程中的感情、感觉、情绪和态度等。

    In the second language teaching and learning , affect will be considered broadly as aspects of emotion , feeling , mood , or attitude , which condition behavior during the process of learners ' study .

  30. 研究结果显示校园物理情境对本个案而言喻为开往宝库的大门:引导个案进入记忆、情感、学习、价值、与新的认同感。

    The findings showed that for the participant , the physical environment on campus served as a door open to a treasure house that contained memories , emotions , learning , values , and new identity .