
  • 网络love stories
  1. 土生华人在“重写”自己的情爱故事时,一方面透露出一些“中国神话”的影子;

    When they are rewriting their own love stories , on the one hand , the shadow of Chinese mythology is revealed ;

  2. 在情爱故事的叙述中,叙述者既表达了一种公平交易的权利诉求,也表达了一种超越性的爱情幻想;

    In their love stories , the narrators either expressed a right consciousness of righteous exchang , or expressed a transcending love imagination ;

  3. 《鲁公女》情爱故事的审美价值

    The aesthetic value of the love story in The Girl of Mr. LU

  4. 第三节讲述了三个略带传奇性的感人涕下的情爱故事。

    The third section narrated three slightly bring under the legendary touching tears love story .

  5. 文人的自我疗救&从《聊斋志异》情爱故事看蒲松龄的创作心理从另一角度来讲是自我安慰、自我保护,它会促进行为者对下一次事件的取胜信心。

    From other point of view , it is a self-consolation and self-protection that can strengthen confidence of behavior for the next case .

  6. 他们将中国的情爱故事&梁祝故事,转化为一种对“神话”的记忆:男为爱生,女为爱死的情与爱的神话。

    They transformed Chinese love story-Story of Liangzhu to a memory of mythology : myth of affection and love ; man was born for love and woman died for love .

  7. 麦卡洛的《荆棘鸟》通过梅吉和拉尔夫的情爱故事向世人揭示了世界上最令人心醉和最令人心碎的东西&爱情。

    The Thorn Birds , by Colleen McCullough , has promulgated the most elated and the most heartrending thing & love in the world through Meggie and Ralph s love story .

  8. 第三章主要围绕各类女性与男性的情爱故事,从女仙与男人、女鬼与男人、女妖与男人来分析不同类型的女性对男性的共同作用。

    The third chapter basically around all kinds of men and women the love of the story from the man and woman , female the ghost and man , and the man to analyze a banshee different types of women to men work together .