
qíng jié
  • complex
情结[qíng jié]
  1. 我有过被害情结,认为大家都在密谋暗算我。

    I had a persecution complex and thought people were conspiring against me .

  2. 那些有“玛丽苏情结”的人通常自我感觉良好,而且一点委屈也受不得。

    People who have Mary Sue complex usually feel good about themselves and could not take slightest grievances ladders .

  3. 它可能也迎合了许多普通人心中的沙文主义情结。

    It may also appeal to the latent chauvinism of many ordinary people .

  4. 对于社交媒体爆炸性增长原因,最普遍的一种说法就是因为它满足了许多人“自恋”的情结。太多人整天过于痴迷地盯着高清图片或是对着屏幕,沉溺在无尽的虚拟世界中无法自拔。

    One of the most common refrains about the explosive growth of social media is that it makes many of us " narcissistic through our screens into a bottomless sea of inauthenticity .

  5. 关于高职生在数学学习中的自卑情结及教学策略

    Humility-complex of Higher Vocational Students in Learning Mathematics And Teaching Solution

  6. 凝重压抑与荒凉悲哀&曹禺、张爱玲家族情结之比较

    A Comparison between CAO Yu and ZHANG Ai-ling 's Family Complex

  7. 论《人鼠之间》中约翰·斯坦贝克的土地情结

    On John Steinbeck 's Land Complex in of Mice and Men

  8. 这种情绪就是斯坦贝克的土地情结的体现。

    These feelings are all embodiments of Steinbeck 's land complex .

  9. 传统文化情结与现代城市文明的再认识;

    Understanding further of traditional culture complex and modem urban civilization .

  10. 充分理解和化解台湾同胞的历史情结

    Fully Understanding and Dispelling Historical Emotional Knot of Compatriots in Taiwan

  11. 中国现代悲剧情结及内在诉求

    " Tragic Complex " in Modern China and Its Inner Appeal

  12. 论林徽因的传统文化情结

    On LIN Hui - yin 's Complex of the Traditional Culture

  13. 泰国潮人的乡土文化情结

    On Chaozhou People 's Complex of Native Soil Culture in Thailand

  14. 日本应不要执迷于明治情结;

    Japan should not indulge in the " Meiji Complex ";

  15. 英国浪漫主义诗歌与希腊、罗马神话情结解读

    On the Use of Greek and Roman Mythology in British Romantic Poetry

  16. 三是要淡化重点大学的情结。

    Thirdly , the " key universities " complex should be dissolved .

  17. 谈曹禺早期戏剧的原始情结

    On the Original Love in Cao Yu 's Early Dramas

  18. 二是知识分子传统的社会情结在起作用。

    The other is the traditional social complex of intelligents .

  19. 亚历山德拉&威拉·凯瑟土地情结的代言人

    Alexandra & Willa Cather 's Spokesperson of Love for Land

  20. 贯穿小说的复仇情结使我印象深刻。

    The complex revenge whichimpenetrate the novel impresses me deeply .

  21. 赛珍珠与《大地》中的土地情结

    Pearl Buck and the Earth Complex in The Good Earth

  22. 中国文人恋乡情结之文化成因解析

    Analyzing the Cultural Reason of the Nostalgia of Chinese Literators

  23. 现代标志设计与原始符号情结

    The Complex of Modern Symbol Designing and the Original Signs

  24. 陶渊明田园诗中的黄昏情结

    On the Complex at Dusk in the Pastoral Poems by Tao Yuanming

  25. 当代文学恋母情结的深层旨归

    The Deep Meaning of " Oedipus Complex " in Contemporary Chinese Literature

  26. 核能源是一种情结的资源,不会产生含碳气体。

    Nuclear energy is a clean resource , producing no carbon gases .

  27. 海明威的青丝情结&试论海明威的妇女观

    Hemingway 's " Hair Complex " & Hemingway 's Idea on Women

  28. 第二种是由相同的民俗信息导致的民俗纠葛构建情结冲突。

    Second , the folklore contradictions are caused by similar folklore information .

  29. 对中国现代建筑艺术情结的质疑

    A Query of the Artistic Complex of Modern Chinese Architectural

  30. 遗民诗人谢枋得道教慕仙情结研究

    A Study of the Taoist Complex of Poet XIE Fang-de