
  1. 浅谈情绪与健康

    A Talk on Mood and Health

  2. 高中生抑郁情绪与心理健康的关系研究

    Correlation between depression and mental health in high school students

  3. 人的情绪与身体健康应该身体健康。

    Emotion and health Forth , they should be healthy ;

  4. 中学生消极情绪与相关健康危险行为关系的研究

    Relationship between depressive mood and related risk behaviors among middle school students in Jiangsu Province

  5. 人的情绪与身体健康

    Emotion and Personality Emotion and health

  6. 而以元情绪与心理健康的关系为切入点,研究元情绪对心理健康的影响,可为我们解决心理健康问题提供一条新途径。

    This paper holds that such study will provide a new route to solving mental health problems .

  7. 本文主要论述人的情绪与身体健康的关系,并介绍了一些合理宣泄情绪的方法。

    In this paper , the relationship between emotion and health was discussed end some unbossoming methods were presented .

  8. 但另一方面,我国对高校辅导员的工作厌倦情绪与心理健康研究已取得阶段性进展,并在一些学者的呼吁下,关心辅导员心理健康的观念已在社会各界取得了一定共识。

    But on the other hand , the research of the jaded of our college counselors and mental health has made progress .

  9. 不过,创业人士自称感到压力与焦虑的程度也甚于其他受薪人士,同时他们体会到的悲哀程度也略高,而这些情绪都与健康恶化有关。

    But entrepreneurs also report more stress and worry than other workers do , and slightly more sadness , both of which have been tied to worse health .

  10. 典型相关分析发现与同学的关系、考试紧张、厌学情绪与心理健康的人格因素相关。

    The canonical correlation analysis showed that there were correlations between students ' personality factors mental health and their relationship with schoolmates , and between tension during examinations and weariness of learning .

  11. 结论消极情绪与其他健康危险行为有一定的聚集性,消极情绪是发生相关健康危险行为的危险因素,学生相关健康危险行为的纠正与干预应同时重视其心理及情绪的干预。

    Conclusions Depressive mood was collected with other health risk behaviors , and is a risk factor of some health risk behaviors . Correction of psychology and emotion should be considered simultaneously in the intervention on adolescent 's health risk behaviors .

  12. 杭州自考生情绪管理与心理健康关系研究

    Relationship of self-taught examinees ' emotional management capacity and mental health

  13. 高职学生的情绪稳定性与心理健康的探讨

    Research of Emotional Stability and Mental Health of Higher Vocational Students

  14. 体育专业大学生情绪智力与心理健康的研究

    Sports University Students ' Emotional Intelligence and Mental Health Research

  15. 陆军新兵元情绪能力与心理健康的关系及其影响因素研究

    Relationship between meta-mood and mental health of military recruits and influential factors of meta-mood

  16. 高职生应对方式、情绪智力与心理健康的关系研究

    Effects of Handling Style and Emotion Intelligence on Mental Health of Vocational College Students

  17. 总体生活质量主要影响因素为身体功能、情绪功能和与健康有关的经济情况。

    The global quality of life was closely related to the scales of other functions and its impacts were predominant .

  18. 乐观或者敌对情绪也能与健康的情绪有联系,例如吸烟与不健康的饮食也会影响心脏的健康。

    Optimistic or hostile attitudes can be linked to health behaviours such as smoking or poor diet , which may also influence heart health .

  19. 大学生情绪管理能力与心理健康的关系研究

    Research on the Relationship of College Students ' Emotion Management Ability and Mental Health

  20. 中学生情绪智力及其与心理健康的关系研究

    Research on High School Students Emotional Intelligence and the Relation between Emotional Intelligence and Mental Health

  21. 3情绪智力技能与心理健康有着极其显著的相关,而与传统的智力、学业成绩的关系并不紧密;

    Skills of emotional intelligence had a high correlation with mental health , but there is no much relationship between skills and traditional intelligence , academic achievement in school .

  22. 集中解决问题的应对与集中处理情绪的应对与心理健康呈负相关,且与部分因子具有统计学意义。回避应对与超越应对与心理健康各因子呈正相关,但不具有统计学意义。

    Negative correlation is exposed between problem & focused coping , emotion-focused coping and psychological health and some factors show statistic meaning , whereas positive correlation exists between coping avoidance , coping suppression and psychological health factors with no statistic meaning .

  23. 情绪调节方式与心理健康存在高与中相关,认知重评与焦虑和抑郁存在着高相关,认知重评与人际关系和表达抑制与人际关系、焦虑、抑郁都不存在显著的相关。

    Emotional adjustment way and mental health , there are high and related cognitive re-evaluation exist with anxiety and depression , high related cognitive re-evaluation and interpersonal relations and express inhibit and interpersonal relations , anxiety , depression are not significant correlation .

  24. 结果:(1)相关分析显示中小学教师的职业倦怠与心理健康呈显著正相关,情绪衰竭维度与心理健康的躯体化、强迫、人际关系、抑郁、焦虑、敌对、偏执等因子的相关最高。

    Results : ( 1 ) Correlation analysis showed significantly positive correlation between primary and secondary school teachers ' occupational burnout and mental health . Emotional Exhaustion related highest to somatization , compulsion , interpersonal relation , depression , anxiety , hostility , and paranoid .

  25. 第三,情绪耗竭在情绪劳动与心理健康之间起中介作用。

    Thirdly , emotional exhaustion acts as the mediator between the emotional labor and mental health .

  26. 情绪表达冲突是在探讨情绪表达与心理健康关系问题中进一步发掘的一个新的研究领域。

    Ambivalence over emotional expression is a new research field to further explore the relationship between emotional expression and mental health problems .

  27. 浅论心理咨询中大学生情绪管理能力的培养杭州自考生情绪管理与心理健康关系研究

    On Cultivating Emotional Management Ability of University Students in Psychological Consultation Relationship of self-taught examinees ' emotional management capacity and mental health