  • Confusion;be puzzled;delude;mislead;be bewildered
  • 心疑不定,不明白对还是不对:疑~。困~。惶~。智者不~。

  • 使迷乱:迷~。~乱。~人耳目。蛊~人心。


(疑惑; 迷惑) be puzzled; be bewildered:

  • 大惑不解

    be greatly puzzled;

  • 智者不惑。

    A wise man is never confused.


(使迷惑) delude; mislead:

  • 造谣惑众

    fabricate rumours to mislead people

  1. 你很聪明,不会受他的阿谀奉承所惑。

    You 're too intelligent to fall for his flattery .

  2. 我已年届不惑,到了该全面审视自己并改变生活的年龄了。

    I was forty , the age when people take stock and change their lives .

  3. 贤者,不惑也。

    The wise man has no perplexities .

  4. 智者不惑。

    A wise man is never confused .

  5. 接着,他疑疑惑惑得看着帕特说:“可是,你今天早晨怎么也出来这么早啊?”

    Then looking at Pat with suspicion , he said , " But why are you out so early in the morning ? "

  6. 基于增广Petri网的协作系统及混惑消除

    Collaboration System and Eliminate Confusion Based on the Extended Petri Net

  7. 瞬变电磁方法(TEM)对良导层反应灵敏,对高阻层却不敏惑。

    The transient electro - magnetic sounding method is sensitive to good conductive formation but insensitive to high resistance formation .

  8. 结果表明:CEV在惑染爪哇三七体内呈周身分布,但分布是不均一的。

    The results show that there is CEV distributed in the different organs of Gynura auranliaca .

  9. 檀香山——在这个位于欧胡岛米里拉尼郊区的社区中布满棕榈树的蜿蜒死胡同里,艾伦·阿卡米那(AllanAkamine)环顾四周,看到一个又一个装着太阳能组件的屋顶,眼中透露出些许失望、些许困惑。

    HONOLULU - Allan Akamine has looked all around the winding , palm tree-lined cul-de-sacs of his suburban neighborhood in Miliani here on Oahu and , with an equal mix of frustration and bemusement , seen roof after roof bearing solar panels .

  10. 惑儒:因为的确有些人把价值倒错。

    Confused : For there would be people whom misplaces values .

  11. 在最初的眼泪和恐惑之后,保持一个清晰的头脑。

    Keep a cool head after the initial tears and angst .

  12. 惑儒:人可能会为了爱牺牲,但不会为了喜欢牺牲。

    Confused : Men might sacrifice for love yet not for like .

  13. 休闲时代的奥林匹克运动会之惑

    Delusion of the Olympic Games at the coming era of the leisure

  14. 惑儒:你对这句话的看法呢?

    Confused : what do you think about this verse ?

  15. 启蒙之惑&安东尼·吉登斯的现代性思想研究

    The Confusion of Enlightenment the Study on Anthony Giddens ' Modernity Thought

  16. 惑儒:那麽,你认为爱的明确定义是?

    Confused : so what is love precisely , in your opinion ?

  17. 枘凿之惑:特色化与高校学报的发展

    Special Features and the Development of the College Academic Journals

  18. 惑儒:人不正是受困于人性与神性之间?

    Confused : yet isn 't man confined between humanity and deity ?

  19. 噢,物理学啊!请你保护我免受形而上学所惑吧!

    O PE gics ! Preserve me from metaphysics !

  20. 划痕&惑中国新加坡数字影像艺术邀请展,新锐艺术计划,北京,中国。

    Scratch-Or : China-Singapore Digital Image Art Exhibition , New Generation Art Plan .

  21. 他的抒情小诗也富于文学情惑。

    His lyrics were also full of literary emotion .

  22. 个人的高峰就是克服了恐惑。

    A personal peak is a triumph over fear .

  23. 并发和冲突混合在一起的现象称作混惑。

    Confusion can arise when there is a mixture of concurrency and conflict .

  24. 商业银行绩效改革之得与惑

    Gains and Pains of Commercial Banks ' Performance Reform

  25. 本结果对电惑应力观测科学具有重要的实际意义。

    This result is of significance to the science of inductance stress observation .

  26. 惑儒:那还有另一个问题是:喜欢的定义?

    Confused : then there 's another question : the definition of like ?

  27. 你有惑人心智的天赋,还有点勾魂的功夫

    You have a gift for deception . Along with a few others .

  28. 经济报道-20国集团之惑:缩减开支多快算快?

    ECONOMICS REPORT-G-20 Nations Wonder : How Soon Is Too Soon to Cut Spending ?

  29. 指出,一方面,胡瑗表现了疑经惑传之精神。

    On the one hand , Hu Yuan shows the spirit of suspecting Classics .

  30. 蒸腾与困窘:当代中华民族传统体育发展之惑

    Confusion of Modern Chinese National Traditional Sports Development
