
  • 网络Whist;Mae West;james mcneill whistler
  1. 您会打惠斯特就更使外祖父喜出望外了。

    You will overwhelm my grandfather with delight if you play whist .

  2. 桥牌,扑克和惠斯特都是纸牌游戏。

    Bridge , poker and whist are card-games .

  3. 麦耶卡普尔惠斯特就会自动向他致谢。

    Meyer kappelhuist would take it upon himself to thank him .

  4. 而早期的桥牌,即“惠斯特”纸牌游戏,却不是这样。

    The early bridge , that is , 'Whist'card game , is not so .

  5. 我们有六个人--要打惠斯特牌就多了两个人。

    There are six of us two too many for a game of whist .

  6. 【游戏】惠斯特纸牌戏:一名牌手单独对付其他人的几种纸牌游戏之一。

    Games Any of various card games in which one player singly opposes others .

  7. 惠斯特牌是我最喜欢的纸牌游戏。

    Whist is my favourite card game .

  8. 惠斯特牌的一种形式,玩家力图避免手中有红桃皇后。

    A form of whist in which players avoid winning tricks containing hearts of the queen of spades .

  9. 我玩什么呢,托马斯爵士?惠斯特和投机,哪一种更好玩?

    What shall I do , Sir Thomas ? Whist and speculation ; which will amuse me most ?

  10. 一种三人的惠斯特游戏;分四手牌,其中一手是由庄家作的暗牌。

    A form of whist with three players ; four hands are dealt with the hand opposite the dealer being face up .

  11. 我国名牌大学学科领域离世界一流有多远&从世界大学学科领域排名说起【游戏】惠斯特纸牌戏:一名牌手单独对付其他人的几种纸牌游戏之一。

    How far are China s top university discipline fields from the world class & Meditation on discipline ranking of universities in the world ; Games Any of various card games in which one player singly opposes others .