
  • 网络Twilight
  1. 结论癔症以情感爆发、类抽搐样发作、意识朦胧、附体体验、身份障碍、症状易受暗示、多变等为临床表现特征。

    Conclusions Hysteria is featured by the clinical behaviors of outburst of emotion , somatic seizure , twilight , possession state , identity disorder , as well as the easiness of symptom behaviours being suggested and varied .

  2. 只是半颗安定,不过她可能有点意识朦胧。

    I only gave her half a Valium , but she may be a little hazy .

  3. 结果:术后除1例出血量大,术后6小时死亡外,其余患者脑疝解除,当日清醒18例,意识朦胧6例,浅昏迷30例,深昏迷5例。

    Results : One case died of severe hemorrhage 6 hours after operation , and encephalocele of the others was relieved . There were 18,6,30 and 5 cases in consciousness , clouding of consciousness , mild coma and deep coma respectively at the operation day .

  4. 这是她女性主义意识的朦胧阶段。

    This is also the enlightenment stage of her female consciousness .

  5. 这些少年无一不深陷在暴力、孤独的渊薮中不可自拔,面对青春期性意识的朦胧觉醒又显得无所适从,他们的成长是一无所获的。

    These youth are all mired in violence and can not extricate themselves from it . Dim awareness of the face of adolescent sexual awakening makes them at a loss . Their physical growth gains nothing for them .

  6. 包括人类的崇拜意识以及原始人类朦胧的婚姻观念。

    Including the human sense of worship aswell as the original human hazy notion of marriage .

  7. 这些都限制了奥茨女性主义意识的表达,使她的女性主义意识处于朦胧的萌芽阶段。

    These restrict the expression of Oates ' female consciousness and put it in an embryonic stage .

  8. 与女权主义者那强烈、彻底的女性解放意识相比,小说《爱玛》的女性意识是朦胧的,带有局限性的。

    Compared with the strong and complete female self-consciousness of feminists , Emma 's one is weak and has class limit .