
  • 网络Unity of consciousness
  1. 范畴论认为现代派诗歌的审美特质是古典意境与现代意识的统一,现代派诗美范畴是病态美与朦胧美;

    Modern poetry rang includes the morbid aesthetics and obscurity aesthetics .

  2. 我们的生命是身体与意识的统一体,或者说身与神的统一体。

    Our existence is a unity of Mind Body or Spirit Body .

  3. 由于实践是物质和意识的统一,它已不同于物质,又由于实践的实质是对物质的能动作用和改造,它又高于物质,由此形成了马克思哲学的实践本体论。

    Since practice is the union of matter and consciousness , it is no longer considered as the same with matter .

  4. 虽然这仅仅提供了一个习惯的“阿赖耶”的间接证据,但它却是指向意识的统一性的。

    Although , this only provides an indirect evidence of " Alaya " of habits , it does point towards the unity in consciousness .

  5. 为应对这一挑战,校园媒体在舆论引导功能上要加强舆论导向与传播效果的统一、党性原则与受众意识的统一;

    Facing the challenge of changing media worldwide , campus media should unify the leading public opinion and their communicating effect , and integrate the Party principles with audience awareness .

  6. 创造性思维是逻辑思维和非逻辑思维的统一,是扩散思维和集中思维的统一,是潜意识和显意识的统一。重视学生发散思维与集中思维的培养;

    Creative thinking is a unification of logical and illogical , extensive and intensive , subconscious and conscious thoughts . to focus on developing students ' distract thinking and concentrate thinking ;

  7. 自我,自我意识的统一,既是很抽象,又是完全无规定性的,于是问题发生了:我们如何得到自我的规定或范畴呢?

    ' I ' , the unity of self-consciousness , being quite abstract and completely indeterminate , the question arises , how are we to get at the specialized forms of the'I ' , the categories ?

  8. 但康德认为自我意识的统一只是“先验的”,他的意思是说,自我意识的统一只是主观的,而不归属于知识以外的对象自身。

    That unity of self consciousness , however , Kant called transcendental only ; and he meant thereby that the unity was only in our minds and did not attach to the objects apart from our knowledge of them .

  9. 本文另外也谈到潜意识理论中需注意的弊端以及潜意识与有意识的辨证统一关系,对潜意识作了准确的定位。

    Furthermore , this paper also illustrates some disadvantages that relationship between the subconscious & the conscious .

  10. 终身体育观念和全民健身意识的对立统一健身舞蹈与大学生终身体育意识的培养

    The antithetic and unified relations between the ideas of lifelong physical education and nationwide body-building Cultivation of College Students ' Life-logn Awareness of Sports Through Setting-Up Dancing

  11. 附释二:康德所用的名词,如“自我意识的先验统一”,看起来好象很严重,就好象那后面藏匿着有什么巨大的怪物似的,但其实,意义却异常简单。

    Expressions like'transcendental unity of self − consciousness'have an ugly look about them , and suggest a monster in the background : but their meaning is not so abstruse as it looks .

  12. 而在第二版先验演绎中,康德改变了思路,由联结问题上升到自我意识的客观统一性,从而提出先验统觉,自此牵扯出想象力的问题。

    But Kant changes his mind in his second transcendental deduce : he involves the issue of the transcendental imagination through the question about bind rise to the objective unity of self-consciousness , then refers to transcendental apperception .

  13. 本文以行为导向型教学模式为切入点,探讨了这种开放式教学模式在德语二外教学中如何实现语言知识和文化意识的相互统一,以达到提高学员跨文化能力的教学目的。

    Based on activity-oriented teaching mode , this paper aims to explore the methods of realizing the combination of linguistic knowledge and cultural consciousness in teaching German as a second foreign language to achieve the purpose of improving the learners ' intercultural competence .

  14. 但目前有关公众环境意识的调查没有统一的测量指标体系。

    But there is no united measuring index system of public environmental awareness at present .

  15. 传统文化中审美意识与伦理精神的统一

    Combine aesthetic consciousness with ethical spirit in the traditional culture

  16. 自我意识是双重化的统一,既相互依赖又相互斗争,由此产生主人意识和奴隶意识。

    Self-consciousness embodys the unity of the dual aspects : mutual-reliance and mutual-contend , which breeds master-consciousness and slave-consciousness .

  17. 同时,他强调自我是身与心的统一、自我意识与自我存在的统一。

    Meanwhile , he stresses that ego is a union of body and mind , a union of self-consciousness and self-existence .

  18. 各种人类关系都存在着潜在或外显的矛盾,意识或行为的不统一,从而引发冲突。

    Potential or apparent contradiction , division of conscience and behavior are exited in all kinds of human relations which cause conflicts .

  19. 但作为具体的存在,自我既以意识与人格的综合统一为特点,又以感性生命为存在的前提;

    As a real man , egoism is characterized by the combination of consciousness and dignity , and preconditioned by perceptual life for its existence ;

  20. 意识存在结构的综合统一性使得这一最高原理摆脱公理性而提升为一个定理,这使得其后关于理性的一切可能论断成为科学。

    The comprehensiveness and unification of the existing structure of consciousness make this highest principle become theorem instead of public principle , and make every latter judgment of rationality become science .

  21. 生态美育中的生态自我论意在达成生态意识与自我意识的统一,由自我审美的视野拓展到更加广阔的生态审美的空间,从而形成一种生态自我。

    The theory of ecology-self intends to reach unification between the ecology consciousness and the self-awareness , and develops into even broader space of esthetic appreciation of ecology from self-esthetic field of vision .

  22. 教学过程又是意识与无意识的统一,教学中应充分利用无意识,以提高各科教学的效果。

    Teaching process is also the unit of consciousness and non - consciousness , we must fully use non - consciousness during teaching , so that it can improve the effect of all kind of teaching .

  23. 制定和实施建设海峡西岸经济区战略,必须体现超前意识与现实取向的统一、物质文明与精神文明的统一、重点建设与全面发展的统一、科学发展观和科学人才观的统一。

    In philosophical view , constructing the economic zone in the west side of strait reflects the dialectical unity between leading consciousness and realistic orientation , material civilization and spiritual civilization , major construction and comprehensive development , scientific development outlook and scientific talent outlook .

  24. 创新思维是逻辑思维与非逻辑思维、散思维与收敛思维、意识和显意识的辩证统一。表现在认识特征上则是系统思维与意象思维。

    Creative thinking includes dialectical agreement of logical and illogical thinking , diffused and restrained thinking , conscious and subconscious thinking . By systematic thinking , Nature and man are regarded as an organic and unified system in essence .

  25. 重建马克思主义话语权必须真正做到两个统一,即从理论上坚持马克思主义的底线意识和创新意识的辩证统一,以及在实践上坚持经济绩效与法理绩效的辩证统一。

    The reconstruction of the Marxist discourse power demands two unities : theoretically , the dialectic unity of adherence to bottom-line consciousness of Marxism and innovative consciousness , and practically , the dialectic unity of sticking to economic performance and the juristic performance .

  26. 人的意识是对象意识和自我意识的统一。

    Human consciousness is the unity of the object consciousness and the self consciousness .

  27. 科技期刊编辑的时效意识是时间意识和效率意识的有机统一,二者相辅相成,忽视任一方面都不会取得最佳效果。

    The effective way to solve this problem is to enhance the awareness of time and efficiency on the editors , which are united and complementary to each other , guaranteeing the best effect in the editing process .

  28. 而和谐社会则是政党价值意识、国家价值意识和人民价值意识的统一。

    While harmonious society is the unity of party value consciousness , nation value consciousness and people value consciousness .

  29. 目的、功能、意识在以前的哲学中是独立的研究课题,自目的论功能主义诞生之后,它们不仅被建立了内在的关联,而且成了以意识为中心的统一的研究领域。

    The final cause , function and consciousness constitute an independent research subject in the previous philosophy . Since the emergence of teleological functionalism , they have not only been internally associated with each other but also become the unified field of study with consciousness as the center .