
ɡǎn qínɡ zhǔ yì
  • emotionalism
  1. 他们是当今最杰出的电视演员,风格介于毫无章法的即席喜剧和炽烈的安妮·迪佛·史密斯(AnnaDeavereSmith)式感情主义一人多角剧之间。

    They were two of the best actors on television , hailing from somewhere between the lawlessness of improv comedy and the high-impact emotionalism of Anna Deavere Smith 's one-woman , zillion-character plays . "

  2. 此外,他们那夸张的感情主义,有时会对他们最值得称赞的一些目标构成嘲讽。

    Furthermore , their exaggerated emotionalism occasionally made a mockery of some of their most laudable intentions .

  3. 从文学的审美特性出发,李长之提倡感情的批评主义,感情是其文学批评的重心。

    Starting from the literary aesthetic character , Li Changzhi advocated to " emotional criticism ", emotion is the focus of his literary criticism .

  4. 感情的批评主义论李长之的文艺批评批评的艺术化读《方卫平儿童文学理论文集》

    ' Emotional Criticism ' On Li Changzhi s Literary or Art Criticism ; Critical Artistry Reading Collection of Children Literature Theory by Fang Weiping ;

  5. 美国文明的特征是我们政治生活中保守的自由主义,文化生活中重实际的理想主义,精神生活中重感情的理性主义,物质生活中敬神的实利主义。

    American civilization is characterized by conservative liberalism of our political life , the pragmatic idealism of our cerebral life , the emotional rationalism of our spiritual life and the godly materialism of our acquisitive life .

  6. 你是一个感情丰富的理想主义者,你倾向于给自己设立远大的目标,并且督促自己努力去实现和超越既定目标。

    Emotionally expressive and idealistic , you tend to set high goals for yourself , and push yourself to meet and exceed them .

  7. 在这部小说中,豪威尔斯的婚姻观导致了他对男女主人公的感情处理与浪漫主义文学的作家不同。

    In this novel , Howells ' ideas of marriage make his treatments of the hero and the heroine in their feelings quite different from those of the writers of the romantic literature .

  8. 她是用自己家乡的字眼儿表达的再加上一点儿在标准的六年小学中学到的字眼她表达的也许差不多是可以被称作我们时代的感情的那种感情,即现代主义的痛苦。

    She was expressing in her own native phrases - assisted a little by her Sixth Standard training - feelings which might almost have been called those of the age - the ache of modernism .