
  1. 但正当价格尤其是拉菲(lafite)开始给人以泡沫感时,4月份迎来了亟需的喘息。

    But just as prices were starting to look frothy , particularly for Lafite , April produced some much-needed respite .

  2. Auto-eating(机械进食)这个词是由营养学家玛丽•斯图佳首先提出来的,指毫无饥饿感时的进食,而且进食的时候根本没有意识到同时有多少热量被摄入。

    Nutritionist Mary Strugar coined the term auto-eating , which presumably means eating without the feeling of actual hunger and perhaps even without being fully aware of consuming the calories .

  3. 有波动感时,应及早地充分引流。

    Early and adequate drainage is essential if fluctuation occurs .

  4. 考虑漏感时变流器输出电压的计算机仿真

    Computer Simulation of Rectifier and Inverter 's Output Voltage in Considering of Leakage Inductance

  5. 除此之外,有便意感时不应该不予理会。

    In addition , the urge to have a bowel movement should not be ignored .

  6. 魏晋之际社会普遍存在感时感物之时尚,士人们的创作也就出现了许多感时感物的作品。

    So many works written by scholars were those that had reflections on seasons and beings .

  7. 当一个品牌代表少数人的优越感时,才能成为时尚。

    Only when a brand represents the prestige of being the minority , can it become fashion .

  8. 在你取得你渴望的财务安全感时,你要挨过一些重要的难关。

    You have some significant hurdles to get over before you can achieve the financial security you desire .

  9. 当你有负罪感时,就不能发挥灵魂给予你的天赋。

    You cannot give the gifts that your soul wants you to give while you are feeling guilty .

  10. 当你拥有一些什么让你真正地有决心面对罪恶感时,我认为的确可能发生令人惊讶的事情。

    When you own something and really square up to your culpability , I do think a surprising thing can happen .

  11. 杂志和电视的确让我们更在意外表美,但其反复玩捏的不过是我们的种种不安心理,而这些怯弱感时早已存在的。

    While magazines and television certainly heighten our consciousness of looks , they are merely harping on insecurities that already exist .

  12. 也许是幻觉,缺乏安全感时会拼事业和境遇,当然少不了情感。

    Might be illusion , lacks when the security sense will fighting for the enterprise and the circumstances , definitely emotion .

  13. 很多人在工作上花了非常多的时间,所以当工作不能带给他们满足感时,他们对生活中其它部分也会感到不满意。

    Many people spend so much time at work that when it becomes dissatisfying , the rest of their life soon follows .

  14. 本文以三相半波可控整流电路为例,推导了考虑变压器漏感时电流过渡波形的凹升函数及凸降函数。

    The three phase half-wave controlled rectifying circuit is taken as the example in this paper to inllustrate the commutation overlap probelm .

  15. 发现化学增感时核壳乳剂的敏化中心首先在颗粒内部生成。

    It was indicated that sensitive specks were formed preferably in the internal part of the grain when the core-shell emulsion was chemically sensitized .

  16. 我们大多数人都知道,当一项新战略宣布下来,却没造成感性参与或理性兴奋感时,是种什么感觉。

    Most of us know what it feels like when a new strategy is handed down that does not generate emotional engagement or intellectual excitement .

  17. 感时抚事哀乐悲舞&杜甫乐舞诗的主观情致与客观表达

    Condemnation of the Era through Sentimental Music and Dance : Study on the Subjective Appeal and the Objective Expression of Dancing Music Poetry by Du Fu

  18. 当他们觉得遭到要挟,他们希望情报越多越好;当他们解除这类要挟感时,又认为搜集情报是不道德的行为。

    When they feel threatened , they want a lot of it , and when they don 't , they regard the whole thing as somewhat immoral .

  19. 当画家在画面中极力表达一种视觉上的无聊感时,他更多地是以一种冷眼的姿态介入现实生活;

    When the painter tries hard to express a sense of boredom on vision , he is more involved in the real life with a cold attitude .

  20. 所以当我们越来越找不到过年的幸福感时,我们有必要停下来好好回味一下我们的生活。

    Therefore , we have to stop to ponder over our life when we find it more and more difficult to feel happy when celebrating the Spring Festival .

  21. 他或她可能会觉得惊恐——确实如此,当你的配偶不能分担你的危机感时,世上还有比这位伴侣更不善解人意的人吗?

    This person might be terrified ─ and , really , is there anyone less empathetic than a spouse who doesn 't share your sense of danger ? '

  22. 热敏灸治疗组出现灸感时的皮温明显高于温和灸对照组,提示灸温是灸感的重要影响因素。

    Acupuncture temperature of heat-sensitive moxibustion therapy is apparently higher than that of mild moxibustion therapy . Moxibustion therapy temperature is moxibustion are the important factors influencing . 4 .

  23. 另外的实验则要求女性在经历不适感时看着男朋友的照片,或是陌生男性的照片。

    In other cases , the women were asked to view a photograph of their boyfriend , or a picture of a male stranger while being subjected to discomfort .

  24. 当你开始有那种熟知的不安感时,那是因为你的身体在发热,从而引发欲望。

    When you start having that itchy feeling that we all know so well that 's because your body is actually heating up , and that 's what causes that desire .

  25. 面对事实吧,道别是很复杂的行为,它们在传达思想情感、潜在的字面信息和压力感时充满了困难,但它们又是那么的重要。

    Lets face it , goodbyes are complicated , they are full of difficult to convey thoughts and emotions , subtle messages and pressures , and they are often pretty important .

  26. 当教师具有较高教学效能感时,学生也会取得好的学习成绩,并具有较高的自主权、学习积极性和牢固的信心。

    When teachers are highly efficacious , their students are found to have a high level of academic achievement , autonomy , motivation and a firm belief in their own efficacy .

  27. 的感时和恨别,在你的如椽笔下,花也溅泪,鸟也惊心。

    The emotional sigh and hatred for leaving in " Flames of battle continues for three months " in your great pen , makes flowers spill tears and birds feel soul stirring .

  28. 另一方面,缺乏愉悦感时,她会做出不同的姿势,双腿站立,身躯猛然跌落,可以看出浑身没了力气。

    A lack of joy , on the other hand , she represented with a different pose , planting both feet and slumping her frame downward with a sudden visible depletion of energy .

  29. 在中国古代文学中,面对时间的无常与无情,感时伤逝一直是文人骚客咏叹的一个恒长主题。

    The sentiment of the passing of time is an everlasting theme in the works of Ancient Chinese literature by the men of letters in the face of the uncertainty and ruthlessness of time .

  30. 当被问及相比10年前是否更有安全感时,约46%的意大利人表示,他们现在的安全感降低了,略高于给出同样答案的法国人比例(44%)。

    Asked whether they felt more or less safe than they did 10 years ago , some 46 per cent of Italians said they felt less safe , narrowly beating the French on 44 per cent .