
  • 网络Munich Re Group;Munich Re;Munich Reinsurance
  1. 慕尼黑再保险公司(MunichRe)称,今年上半年保损飙升至600亿美元&这一数字是过去10年年均保损的5倍。

    First-half insured losses hit $ 60 billion , Munich Re said – five times the annual average over the past decade .

  2. 根据慕尼黑再保险公司(MunichRe)提供的数据,天气事件占2013年自然灾害损失的90%,共造成1200多亿美元的损失。

    Weather events accounted for 90 % of natural catastrophe losses in 2013 , causing over $ 120 billion of losses , according to reinsurance company Munich Re .

  3. 慕尼黑再保险公司(MunichRe)本周二发表上半年业绩评论时提出,尽管时间刚刚过半,今年已经成为有记录以来自然灾害损失最高的年份。

    Halfway through , this year is already the costliest on record for natural catastrophes , insurer Munich Re said Tuesday in its first-half review .

  4. 慕尼黑再保险公司(MunichRe)估计,在亚洲地区1980年至2008年10次经济损失最严重的自然灾害中,有8次是日本遭受的台风袭击。

    Reinsurer Munich Re reckons that , between 1980 and 2008 , eight of the 10 costliest natural disasters in Asia were typhoons that hit Japan .

  5. 这支持了有着丰富历史数据的德国资深再保险公司–慕尼黑再保险公司[注6]所做的分析。

    That backs up analysis done by Munich Re , a veteran German reinsurer with a lot of historical data .