
  • 网络Constituent;constituent stock
  1. 恒生中型股指数成分股恒生指数主要成分股

    Major Hang Seng Index constituent stock

  2. 视乎交易所买卖基金所采取的策略,交易所买卖基金未必按相关指数相同的比例持有所有成分股。

    Depending on its particular strategy , an ETF may not hold all the constituent securities of an underlying index in the same weightings as the constituent securities of the index .

  3. 自1987年至2007年,标准普尔500指数(StandardandPoor’s500)成分股企业利用股票回购返还给股东的金额增加了18倍。

    The amount distributed by Standard and Poor 's 500 companies using share buybacks increased 18-fold between 1987 and 2007 .

  4. 过去10年,富时100指数成分股企业CEO的收入增长了2.5倍。

    In the last decade the pay of CEOs in the FTSE 100 has jumped two and a half times .

  5. 在美国,只有3%的标普500指数成分股公司坚持把CEO和董事长之位分开。

    In the US , only 3 per cent of the S & P 500 " s constituents insist on separation .

  6. 多数富时100指数成分股公司都将年报以大型PDF文件的形式放在网上,打开或下载的速度很慢。

    Most FTSE 100 companies put their annual reports online in large PDF files that were slow to open or download .

  7. 预计MSCI中国指数成分股在2015年的利润增长率将为6%。

    The MSCI China earnings growth forecast for 2015 is 6 per cent .

  8. 有个事实更令人担忧,Autonomy并非初创企业,而是富时100指数(FTSE100)长期以来的成分股。

    More worrying is the fact that Autonomy was not a start-up but a longstanding member of the FTSE   100 index .

  9. 在本周的英美资源(AngloAmerican)会议和这个春季更晚时候的其他富时100指数(FTSE100)成分股公司会议上,投资者的不满情绪或许会再度爆发。

    Investors " impatience may erupt again at Anglo American 's meeting this week and at other FTSE 100 groups later this spring .

  10. 田纳西大学企业治理中心(UniversityofTennessee’sCorporateGovernanceCenter)研究员拉里o福韦发现,麦当劳董事的平均任期为12年半,而这个数字在标普500指数成分股公司中为9年半。

    Larry Fauver of the University of Tennessee 's Corporate Governance Center found that the average number of years served by a director at McDonald 's was 12.5 versus 9.5 for the broader index .

  11. 该指数的成分股(多数为银行、房地产公司和汽车制造商)并不像边界另一侧的深圳股市那样令人兴奋(例如深圳上市的武汉金运激光(WuhanGoldenLaser),历史市盈率高达666倍)。

    Its companies - mostly banks , property and carmakers - are not as sexy as cousins across the border ( such as Shenzen 's Wuhan Golden Laser , trading on 666 times historic earnings ) .

  12. 据《分析师会计观察》(Analyst'sAccountingObserver)介绍,标普500(S&P500)指数90%的成分股公司去年报出的数据不符合美国公认会计准则,高于2009年的72%。

    According to the Analyst 's Accounting Observer , 90 per cent of the constituents in the Standard & Poor 's 500 index produced non-GAAP figures last year , up from 72 per cent in 2009 .

  13. 反过高薪酬智库“高薪酬中心”(HighPayCentre)编集的数据显示,2010年以来,富时100指数成分股公司首席执行官的平均薪酬累计上涨了三分之一。

    The average pay of a FTSE 100 boss has risen by a third since 2010 , when chief executives took home £ 4.1m on average , according to data compiled by the High Pay Centre , a think-tank which campaigns against excessive pay .

  14. 还有一名富时100(FTSE100)成分股公司首席执行官——工作时神采飞扬,但回家就躺在黑暗的房间里。

    Then there was a FTSE 100 chief executive who was charismatic at work but lay in a darkened room at home .

  15. MM&K和Manifest表示,1998年,富时100指数成分股公司首席执行官的薪酬是普通员工的47倍,而到2010年已升至120倍。

    FTSE 100 chief executives ' pay was 47 times that of average employees in 1998 but had risen to 120 times by 2010 , say MM & K and Manifest .

  16. 去年,迫于来自英国商务大臣文斯•凯布尔(VinceCable)的压力,富时100(FTSE100)成分股公司中最后一家没有女性董事的公司、矿商嘉能可(Glencore)也任命了一名女性董事。

    last year , under pressure from Vince Cable , the business secretary , mining company Glencore became the last company to appoint a female director .

  17. 研究集团MSCI表示,在富时100指数(FTSE100)成分股公司中,仅有一家公司里有一个人身兼CEO和董事长两职——HikmaPharmaceuticals的赛义德.达尔瓦扎(SaidDarwazah)。

    Only one company in the FTSE 100 - Hikma Pharmaceuticals - has one person , Said Darwazah , sharing the chief executive and chairman roles , says research group MSCI .

  18. 据猎头公司史宾沙管理顾问公司(spencerstuart)称,去年标准普尔500指数(s&p500)成分股公司新任首席执行官的年龄中值是52岁。

    According to Spencer Stuart , the head-hunting firm , the median age of new CEOs of S & P 500 companies last year was 52 .

  19. 纽约泛欧交易所集团(NYSEEuronext)的管理人士说,他们正在检查数十只证券的交易中可能存在的问题,这些证券包括道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数的成分股。

    Officials at NYSE Euronext said they were examining potentially erroneous trading in dozens of securities , including members of the benchmark Dow Jones Industrial Average .

  20. 今年迄今,MSCI全球金属和矿业指数排名前10的成分股中,有3个与铝相关。

    So far this year , three of the top 10 performing constituents of the MSCI World Metals and Mining Index have been aluminium related .

  21. 许多公司拿出大量资金用于股份回购:贝莱德(BlackRock)表示,今年4月,标普500成分股公司用于股份回购上的资金达到创纪录的1330亿美元。

    Many have poured money into share buybacks : SP 500 companies spent a record $ 133bn on buybacks in April this year , BlackRock says .

  22. 这项举措本意针对德国dax指数成分股公司,但也可能会影响外国公司驻德国的高管。

    The initiative is intended to target Dax-listed businesses , but would also affect Germany-based executives of foreign companies .

  23. 根据彭博(Bloomberg)的数据,在已公布第一季度利润的标准普尔500指数154家成分股企业中,有122家的利润超过平均预期。

    Of the 154 constituents of the S & P 500 that have reported earnings for the first quarter , 122 have delivered earnings ahead of average expectations , according to Bloomberg data .

  24. 与此同时,投资者回报一直不见起色,富时100成分股企业10年来的总回报率为每年5.5%,WPP为5.4%。

    Meanwhile , investor returns have been uninspiring – the 10-year total return of the FTSE 100 is 5.5 per cent a year , with WPP at 5.4 per cent .

  25. 据追踪企业高管薪酬的EquilarInc.称,在标普500指数成分股中,仅有八家公司出现前首席执行长继续担任公司董事的情况。

    Just eight companies in the S & P 500 index have two of their former CEOs as directors , according to Equilar Inc. , which tracks executive compensation .

  26. 该调查覆盖了标准普尔500指数(S&P500)成分股公司CEO过去两年的总体薪酬,其结果将给公司治理维权人士要求对高管薪酬进行更严格审查的呼声增加影响力。

    The results of the survey , which looked at total compensation of chief executives of companies in the S & P 500 index over the past two years , will add weight to calls by corporate governance activists for more oversight of executive pay .

  27. 一位熟人说,在dax-30指数成分股公司中,迪克曼是唯一在各大洲都工作过的首席执行官。

    One acquaintance says Mr Diekmann is the only dax-30 chief executive to have worked on every continent .

  28. 而根据Glassdoor编集的数据,2015年美国首席执行官的薪酬中位数是员工薪酬中位数的204倍。去年富时100指数成分股公司首席执行官平均薪酬的上涨主要是由一小部分首席执行官薪酬的大幅上涨拉动的。

    US chief executives were paid 204 times their employees " median compensation in 2015 , according to data compiled by Glassdoor .

  29. 一位资深英国网络安全官员详细讲述了他与一家富时100(FTSE100)成分股企业打交道的过程。他曾不得不在多周内三次就系统中的一个严重漏洞通知这家企业,最终却不得不放弃这么做。

    One senior British cyber security official recounts having to inform a FTSE 100 business three times over the course of as many weeks about a serious breach in their systems . Eventually he gave up .

  30. Factset预计,标准普尔500指数成分股中的科技类公司第二季度收益增幅将达到3.6%。

    FactSet estimates that tech stocks in the S & P 500 will post earnings growth of 3.6 % for the quarter .