
  1. 定单ABC成本核算法&成本核算体系的再造

    ABC Method in ' Order ' Concept & the Rebuilding of Cost-accounting System

  2. MRPⅡ中的成本核算法及计算机实现

    Cost Calculation Algorithms of MRP ⅱ and It 's Realization in Computer

  3. 基于TOC的会计成本核算法在战略决策中的实证研究

    The Empirical Analysis of the Cost Accounting Based on TOC in the Field of Strategy Decision

  4. ICC成本核算法正给我国银行带来新的成本核算理念和成本分摊方式。

    The new cost accounting concept and cost allocation way is brought in for the commercial banks with the ICC system .

  5. 应用项目成本核算法改善医院成本管理

    To improve hospital 's cost management by using item 's cost calculation method

  6. 作业成本核算法及应用

    The application and analysis of activity - based costing

  7. 第四章在分析嘉兴羊毛衫行业出口现状的基础上,对传统成本核算法进行了分析,揭示其环境成本不完全的特征。

    The fourth chapter analyzes export status of Jiaxing sweater industry and the traditional costing method to reveal the incomplete feature of environmental costs .

  8. 成本核算法是以企业的成本发生额作为人力资源的投入,在企业的经济效益中分出一部分作为人力资源效益,在考虑相关因素的情况下适当调整,计算出企业总体人力资源价值。

    In cost account means , the author regard cost arise sum as the input of human resource , so departing a part of benefit as human resource value .

  9. [方法]采用现场调查法、项目成本核算法、类成本比值法对108例腹式手术病人实施现场数据收集和护理成本核算。

    Methods : Data of 108 cases underwent abdominal type of operation were collected and nursing costs of them were accounted via adopting spot investigation , fee-for-service , and categorized-cost comparison .

  10. 本文论述了在物流行业中传统成本核算法的不足与作业成本核算法的优点,探讨了在我国体制下作业成本法的应用前景。

    The article discusses the drawbacks about traditional costing method and the advantage of activity-based costing method , and draws a view about the future usage of activity-based costing method in China .

  11. 本文在归纳、分析传统人力资源价值计量模式的基础上,提出了以企业产出为基础的总体人力资源价值的成本核算法与效益核算法。

    This thesis systemic researched for human resource accounting modes on the base of above contents . In this thesis , the author brings forwards enterprise output cost means and benefit means on the base of concluding and analyzing traditional human resource value accounting modes .

  12. 成本核算ABC法在设计咨询企业中的应用探讨

    Discussion on the Application of Method of the Costing ABC in the Design & Consulting Firms

  13. 医院全成本核算四级分摊法模型的应用与体会

    Application of the four levels apportionment mode in hospital whole cost accounting and experience in it

  14. 研究了物流服务中企业不重视各个客户的成本分配现状,分析了传统的物流成本核算法的弊端,介绍了ABC法的概念和原理,将ABC法应用于物流服务并给出实例。

    The status that enterprises ignore the service cost in logistics service was studied . The shortage of the traditional logistics costing was analyzed and the activity based costing in logistics service costing was introduced . The basic theory of ABC was presented .

  15. 对于物流成本核算,引入了基于作业的物流成本核算模型以及ABC法,并对企业物流管理会计核算体系提出了许多自己的思考。

    Regarding to logistics cost calculation ; the part has introduced models of activity-based logistics cost accounting and the ABC law .

  16. 这一部分主要介绍环境成本的核算方法,并且结合纺织印染企业的实际情况,总结出同步环境成本核算法是比较适合纺织印染企业进行环境成本核算的方法。

    In this part was mainly introduced the method of environment cost calculation , and combined with the actual situation of textile printing and dyeing enterprises to summed up that the environment simultaneously cost method is more suitable for textile printing and dyeing enterprise environmental cost calculation .

  17. 构建了协同性作业的成本模型,给出了用于间接费用成本分配的系列方法,包括:线性成本函数的边际成本法、非线性成本函数的边际成本法、协同成本核算法。

    Constructing the cost model of co-operative activity and giving the series methods to the cost distribution of indirect fees including : marginal cost method of linear cost function , marginal cost method of non-linear cost function , co-operative cost accounting method .