
chéng yī
  • ready-to-wear;tailoring;ready-made clothes;ready-made clothes ready-made garment
成衣 [chéng yī]
  • [ready-to-wear;ready-made clothes] 缝制好了的衣服

  • [tailoring] 服装加工

  • 成衣店

成衣[chéng yī]
  1. 不过,如今寻找一件合适的衣服,要比以往任何时候都容易,因为适合高温天气穿着的天然成衣面料的选择范围越来越大。

    Yet finding the right one is easier than ever these days because of the growing range of natural tailoring fabrics that work well in high temperatures .

  2. 虽说他们设计的系列服装都是可捋式紧身衣与水晶饰件,但杜嘉班纳的业务实际上靠的是成衣、白衬衣以及女衫裤套装。

    Though their collections are full of push-up corsetry and crystals , the Dolce & Gabbana business is actually built on tailoring , white shirts , and trouser suits .

  3. 成衣店也面临着来自工厂直销店的激烈竞争。

    Clothing stores also face heavy competition from factory outlets .

  4. 在1978年他为奥斯汀·里德时装店推出了他的第一个高级成衣系列。

    In 1978 he launched his first major ready-to-wear collection for the Austin Reed stores .

  5. 一些美国生产商一直在观察英国是否会成为他们的成衣潜在市场。

    Some US manufacturers have been sizing up the UK as a possible market for their clothes

  6. 成衣业的竞争极为激烈,其从业者要想站住脚,就要有许多关系。

    The rag trade is extremely competitive , and one needs plenty of contacts in order to survive .

  7. 比起穿着昂贵的套装到高档饭店吃饭,他更喜欢吃汉堡、买成衣。

    Instead of dining in top restaurants and wearing expensive suits , he likes to eat hamburgers and buys clothes off the peg .

  8. 虚荣尺寸(vanitysizing),也叫做尺寸膨胀,指随着时代的发展,各类成衣制品在尺寸号码不变的情况下,实际尺寸增大的现象。

    Vanity sizing , also known as size inflation , is used to refer to the phenomenon of ready-to-wear clothing of the same nominal size becoming larger over time .

  9. 们的服务范围包括高级婚纱设计定制,高级礼服、派对装设计定制,及欧美一线品牌成衣的驳样定制

    Our services include design and tailoring for wedding gowns , tuxedos and party dressesfrom and American brands .

  10. 由于成衣实际尺寸的增大,不少设计师都开始引入“0号”、“00号”,甚至“负0号”尺寸。

    The increasing dimension of garments of the same nominal size has caused some designers to introduce size 0 , 00 , or subzero sizes .

  11. 第三章分析现阶段客户化成衣定制的特点,以及服装CAD技术的发展对其影响;

    The third chapter analyses the characteristic of customization production in being and the influence fashion CAD has given to .

  12. 北美自由贸易协定(NAFTA)对亚洲纺织及成衣工业出口及发展的影响

    The influences of NAFTA on Asian textile and clothing exporting and the industry development

  13. 目前,服装CAD系统涵盖了服装款式设计,样板设计、工业设计、面料花型设计以及成衣效果展示等产品设计阶段的各个环节。

    Now , the garment CAD includes the garment style design , the pattern design , the industrial design , the fabric design , the completed clothing fitting , and so on .

  14. 根据柬埔寨成衣制造商协会(GarmentManufacturersAssociationinCambodia)的数据,1-11月份制衣工人共发起131次罢工,高于去年全年的121次。

    According to the Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia , garment workers have mounted 131 strikes from January to November , up from 121 in all of last year .

  15. 我很乐意向您推荐我们的合作伙伴BBC公司,他们是欧洲地区的主要成衣进口商。

    I am very delighted to recommend our business partner BBC Company , who is a major importer of garments in Europe .

  16. 主要成衣款式包括了羊绒与真丝混纺的披肩、真丝缎的贴身背心以及休闲款裤子(品牌名字TheRow暗指伦敦萨维尔街(SavileRow)定制成衣业)。

    Ready-to-wear staples include cashmere and silk-blend capes , silk-satin camisoles and loosely tailored trousers ( the label 's name alludes to the tailoring of Savile Row ) .

  17. 举办自己的首个迪奥成衣展时,他穿的是奥地利设计师赫尔穆特·朗(HelmutLang)设计的饰有红色条纹、复古风格的牛仔夹克。

    For his first Christian Dior ready-to-wear show he wore a vintage denim jacket with red stripes by Austrian designer Helmut Lang.

  18. 在奢侈品行业,这家以其马球(Polo)品牌而闻名的高端成衣公司的利润受到了美元走强和激烈竞争的挤压。

    Earnings at the upscale apparel company , known for its Polo brand , have been pressured by a strong dollar and intense competition in the luxury space .

  19. LV每年都办大秀,却不生产成衣,也许有人觉得亏,但其实却是性价比最高的形象广告。

    LV every year to do a big show , but not to produce garments , some people may feel loss , but in fact it is most cost-effective image advertising .

  20. 在这家由鞋履转为成衣的巴黎知名时尚公司,前任创意总监亚历山德罗•萨托利(AlessandroSartori)营造了中庸氛围。

    Its previous creative director , Alessandro Sartori , had cultivated an air of appropriateness at this storied Parisian shoemaker-turned-clothier .

  21. 我还记得,自己最初与这些成衣公司会面时,公司的代表差不多一定会问:为甚么乐施会要做关于企业社会责任(CSR)的工作,更特别关注成衣业?

    I remember when I first started meeting with the companies . I was almost always asked why Oxfam is working on corporate social responsibility ( CSR ) with the garment sector in particular .

  22. 使用人工神经网络BP算法模拟样板师的经验和技术,用于女西裤的纸样设计,实现了从净体尺寸到成衣尺寸的自动映射,并且具有较高的映射精度。

    The method using BP algorithm of ANN to simulate the pattern master ′ s experience and technique is proposed and used in the flat pattern design of women trousers . This method realizes automatic mapping from the body measurement to the garment size with higher accuracy .

  23. 1997年,他招来马克·雅可布(MarcJacobs)为路易威登设计鞋履和成衣,此外还为路易威登增添了腕表、珠宝和配饰系列。

    In 1997 , he gave the brand further impetus by recruiting Marc Jacobs to design shoes and ready-to-wear clothing for Louis Vuitton , which also added watches , jewelry and other accessories .

  24. 基于这两个条件建立带有季节系数修正的Bass模型,这个模型既反应了成衣消费的本质特点,也反应了服装消费的季节性。

    Based on these two conditions , it sets up Bass model with a modified of seasonal factors . The model reflects the nature and characteristics of garment consumption , but also reflects the seasonal rule of clothing consumption .

  25. 雨果博斯(HugoBoss)和CalvinKlein等高端品牌的高端成衣制造商利华成衣集团(LeverStyleInc.)首席执行长司徒志仁(StanleySzeto)说,与前几年前相比,现在的生意可以说是在爬行。

    ' Relative to a couple of years ago , things are crawling ' said Stanley Szeto , chief executive of Lever Style Inc. , a Hong Kong-based maker of high-end clothes for brands such as Hugo Boss and Calvin Klein .

  26. 本文指出现有服装样板设计系统(即PDS)的局限性,引入典型样板设计过程,为完善PDS功能作了探索,努力使服装成衣工业摆脱人工制作成衣样板的现状。

    In this paper , the limitations of the present computer design system ( PDS ) are analysed . For getting rid manual pattern process , typical pattern design process is incorporated in PDS and the function of PDS is dea with .

  27. 他不愿谈及自己为芬迪(Fendi)效力的50年。1965年,他出任芬迪创意总监,负责皮草及女性成衣设计;

    He refuses to discuss his 50-year career with Fendi , for whom he was made creative director , in charge of fur and women 's ready-to-wear , in 1965 .

  28. 那是在1998年,当时阿尔伯阿尔巴兹(alberelbaz)在设计成衣系列,因此圣洛朗能够专注于高级女装。

    This was in 1998 , when Alber elbaz was designing the ready-to-wear collections , so m. Saint Laurent concentrated solely on couture .

  29. 该公司最近的举动,如剥离奢侈品业务、雇佣奢饰品高管瓦莱丽·赫尔曼(ValerieHermann)以及在米兰开设一家奢华的私人会员制俱乐部,一度表明这家成衣公司增强了对奢侈品的重视。

    Recent moves at the company , like separating out its luxury business , hiring the luxury executive Valerie Hermann and opening a lavish private members " club in Milan , had suggested a stronger focus on luxury at the apparel company .

  30. 在详细叙述了NAFTA有关纺织品及成衣条款,并讨论NAFTA成员国的利益平衡的基础上,分析了NAFTA对亚洲成衣工业出口与发展的影响,提出了相应的对策。

    Based upon the description of its relative items to textile and clothing and discussion of interest balance between NAFTA members , the influences of NAFTA on the Asia textile and clothing exporting and the industry development and exporting is analyzed and the appropriate strategies are presented .