
  • 网络Jackie Chan Adventures;JACKIE CHAN ADVENTVRES
  1. 那部美国作品叫做《成龙历险记》,一共有五季。该作品于2000年到2005年在华纳兄弟电视网播出,前后共在六十个国家播放过。

    That work called Jackie Chan Adventures , a five-season US series , ran on The WB Television Network from 2000 to 2005 , and was broadcast in 60 countries .

  2. 这个问题在成龙即将上映的中文动画系列--《新成龙历险记》中得到答案。这位功夫巨星在其中有一个年轻的自己的化身,也叫成龙,将与邪恶势力进行斗争。

    And it gets an answer from Jackie Chan in his upcoming Chinese animation series All New Jackie Chan 's Adventures , where the kung fu giant has a young incarnation of himself , also called Jackie , fighting evil .