
  1. 约翰不断安慰我说,我们注定要在一起。

    John was constantly reassuring me that we were meant to be together .

  2. 我们注定会在一起的。

    We 're destined to be together .

  3. 我们注定要在一起。

    We 're meant for each other .

  4. 我们注定要在一起的。

    We were meant to be together .

  5. 若加起来那表示我们前生注定在一起。

    When you added them all up , it just meant we were supposed to be together .

  6. 我就知道我们注定要在一起,我不必再寻寻觅觅了。

    I knew we were meant to be together . I could stop looking , I had found him .

  7. 无论何时,无论何地,我们注定会在一起。我一出现,你就在附近。

    Whenever , wherever , we are meant to be together . I 'll be there and you 'll be near .

  8. 我说过在这世上我们注定了不能在一起的。

    I told you we were not meant to be in this world .

  9. 我们注定不该在一起。

    We were never meant to be together .

  10. 亲爱的,我们是注定应该在一起的。

    And we should be together baby .

  11. 相互依存的证据随处可见,我们的生活注定交织在一起。

    Evidence of interdependence is everywhere . We are on this journey together .

  12. 我们注定不适合生活在一起。

    We are not meant for each other .