
  • 网络Still Alice;I miss myself
  1. 在《我想念我自己》推出后,人们突然开始与她分享现实生活中的故事,这些故事让她感到震惊。

    After Still Alice came out , she was struck by all the real-life stories that people suddenly shared with her .

  2. 作为电影原著的小说《我想念我自己》,也是大概在那个时候出版的,其销量超过了100万册。

    The novel Still Alice , on which the movie is based , was published around that time and went on to sell more than a million copies .

  3. 我想到了《我想念我自己》(StillAlice)里的茱丽安·摩尔(JulianneMoore)。我在最近的一篇专栏里提到过这部电影,很高兴看到摩尔能实至名归地拿到一座金球奖剧情类电影最佳女主角。

    I think of Julianne Moore 's in " Still Alice . " I mentioned that movie in a recent column , and I was happy to see Moore win a richly deserved Golden Globe , for best actress in a drama .