
  • My Father;My Dad
  1. 我的父亲很独特——我决不会像他的。

    My father was one of a kind ─ I 'll never be like him .

  2. 我的父亲会颠着足球冲进厨房。

    My father would burst into the kitchen bouncing a football .

  3. 他几乎可以称得上是我的父亲。

    To all intents and purposes he was my father .

  4. 那些人很像我的父亲。

    The men were very much like my father .

  5. 我的父亲给我带回家一本书。

    My father brought home a book for me .

  6. 我的父亲是一名颇有名气的历史学家,他专门研究德国历史。

    My father was a historian of repute . His speciality was the history of Germany

  7. 我的父亲非常自豪,因为我继承他的事业,成为了一名医生。

    My father is extremely proud that I followed in his footsteps and became a doctor .

  8. 我的父亲一生都在耕作。

    My father has farmed all his life .

  9. 只要是说起当今时事,我的父亲就活像一部百科全书。他每天都会读各类报纸。

    My father is a walking encyclopedia when it comes to current affairs – he reads the papers every day .

  10. 我的父亲于1914年盖了一个小车库,车行道铺的是碾碎了的白色石灰石,买了一辆福特T型车(Model-TFord,也称为“Flivvor”或“TinLizzie”)。

    In1914 my father built a little garage , strewed crushed white limestone in the driveway , and bought a Flivvor or Tin Lizzie , a Model-T Ford .

  11. 他和我的父亲留下了我而且去城镇。

    He left me and went to town with my father .

  12. 我的父亲正在寻找他的一位老朋友。

    My father is looking for an old friend of his .

  13. 我的父亲下周才到天津。

    My father will not arrive in Tianjin until next week .

  14. 我的父亲,埃利阿斯,曾在这儿点过一个三明治。

    My father , elias , once ordered a sandwich here .

  15. 你知道我的父亲参加过巴格达叛乱吗?

    You know my father was part of the Burkinabe rebellion ?

  16. 我的父亲对我的学业比较满意。

    For example : My father is satisfied with my study .

  17. 我的父亲年事已高,大小便时有失禁。

    My father was on the verge of senility and incontinence .

  18. 幸运的,我的父亲是这里的校友。

    Luckily , my dad was an alumnus andpulled some strings .

  19. 我的父亲以前常殴打我的弟弟。

    My father used to knock my brother around a lot .

  20. 我的父亲的影响使我选择了教书为业。

    My father influenced me to choose teaching as my career .

  21. 我的父亲是我认识的最有智慧的人之一。

    My father is one of the wisest men I know .

  22. 我的父亲告诉了我巴斯克维尔猎犬的事情。

    My father told me about the Hound of the Baskervilles .

  23. 至情的美丽魅人的艺术&《我的父亲母亲》创作风格简论

    On the Style of the Film My Father and Mother

  24. 即使是我的父亲,虽然他在军队里

    Even my father , well he was in the military

  25. 我的父亲也是。我已经习惯了。

    So does my father . I 'm already uesd to it .

  26. 我的父亲喜欢用毛笔写字。

    My father likes to write with a Chinese brush .

  27. 我的父亲是个公务员,他很喜欢运动。

    My father is a government officer , He likes playing sports .

  28. 我的父亲、母亲、岳母,都是老师!

    My father and mother both of them are teacher .

  29. 你说维达背叛并谋杀了我的父亲。

    You told me Vader betrayed and murdered my father .

  30. 我的父亲总是尽量不干涉我的事情。

    My father is always trying not to interfere in my affairs .