
  • 网络I want you to know;Let you know;I need to let you know;Then let me show you
  1. 我要让你知道如何去。

    I 'll let you know how it goes .

  2. 我想对你说我爱你,但是我不知道你是怎么想的,我要让你知道我喜欢你,等待着你,期待着你的回答。

    I would like to say to you I love you , but I do not know how you think , I 'll let you know I like you , waiting for you , and look forward to your answer .

  3. 我要让你知道怀疑的好处。

    I want to give you the benefit of the doubt .

  4. 我要让你知道我是个真正的男子汉。

    I 'll have you know I 'm a true man .

  5. 我要让你知道,我能接近�

    I want you to know I can get to you .

  6. 我要让你知道我什么时候觉得闷。

    I 'll letyou know when I 'm that bored .

  7. 我要让你知道我确实是懂了。

    I want you to know I really do understand .

  8. 我要让你知道,我的敌意已然沉睡?

    I want you to know your enemy is sleeping ?

  9. 我要让你知道,美梦不会成真

    I 'm gonna show you that dreams don 't come true .

  10. 我要让你知道我很喜欢安德鲁。

    I will have you know that I am very attracted to andrew .

  11. 我要让你知道有我在保护你。

    I want you to know that you can count on me to protect you .

  12. 我要让你知道,小乔加盟了一家伟大的俱乐部,这家俱乐部喜欢他,重用他。

    I 'll have you know he 's gone to a great team who love him and USE him .

  13. 我要让你知道,我能接近你还能痛击你的软肋

    I want you to know I can get to you , and hit you where it hurts the most .

  14. 我要让你知道,我可以接近你,并且可以伤及你的要害。

    Nikita : I want you to know I can get to you and hit you where it hurts the most .

  15. 我要让你知道每人都有他的命运,一生中最美的事,那就是自由。

    Then I show you there " s a destiny , The best things in life , They " re free .

  16. 我要让你知道我的过去你一定要让我告诉你你要是知道了,就不会像现在这样喜欢我了。

    I want you to know it - you must let me tell you - you will not like me so well !

  17. 不,她说得对。我要让你知道,从现在起,我会多体会大家心情。

    No , she 's right , and I just want you to know that from now on , I 'm gonna be much more sensitive .

  18. 男子说:「我要让你知道,我不想在植物人状态下,靠机器和瓶装液体(点滴)活著。

    " Just so you know , I never want to live in a vegetative state , dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle ," the man said .

  19. 嗯,那就是我写信要让你知道的。

    Well , that 's what I am writing to let you know .

  20. 我要怎麽让你知道?

    What does it take to make you see ?

  21. 我只是要让你知道,虽然你一直想要毁灭我,但是在我们的星球,并不鼓励我们复仇。

    I just want you to know that even though you tried to terminate me , revenge is not an idea we promote on my planet .

  22. nomatter:无论…,不管…无论你做出怎样的决定,我都要让你知道我会一直在你身边,因为我爱你。

    And no matter what you decide , I want you to know That I 'm here for you because I-I-I -- because I love you . -

  23. 现在我要教训你,让你知道翻我们书架的好处。

    Now , I 'll teach you to rummage my bookshelves

  24. 再捉到你抽烟我要让你永远消失,知道吗?

    Catch you smoking , they 'll never find the body . understand ?

  25. ::荷莉:泰勒,我不知道明天是否要上台说话,可是我一定要让你知道我的感觉。

    Taylor , I don 't know if I 'll speak tomorrow , and I had to let you know how I feel .

  26. 不管我将要去哪里,不管我被告诫了什么,我都要让你知道我的决心。

    It don 't matter where I go , what I 'm told , now you know .