
huò rán lùn
  • probability
  1. 他们主张用整体论、建构论、去客观化、或然论和定性研究来取代心理学研究中因袭已久的原子论、还原论、客观论、决定论和定量分析。

    They propose to replace the atomism , reductionism , objectivity , determinism and quantati tive study with holism , constructionism , deobjectification , problematicism and Q UA litative study .

  2. 人地关系随着社会和生成力的发展而发展,先后经历了天命论、地理环境决定论、或然论、协调论等认识阶段。

    Human-environment relationship develops along with society and the productive forces development and had experienced several different phases such as " mandate of heaven "," geographic environmental determinism "," the law of probability " and " the coordination principle " and so on .