
  • 网络Men And War
  1. 雨已成为《战争和人》不可或缺的艺术表现要素,有着独特的意义。

    Rain has become the essentials of art in this novel , which possesses of particular meaning .

  2. 穿越历史的烟雨&解析长篇小说《战争和人》中的雨及其意义

    Rain through the history

  3. 这是为爱德华一世所建的13世纪杰作,而且对于一些喜欢英国皇室的故事,战争史和宝藏的人来说,这是一个必去的地方。

    This thirteenth-century masterpiece was constructed for King Edward I , and it is a must-see for those interested in stories of ancient British royalty , wars , and treachery .

  4. 因为战争的领导艺术和人的活跃性,临到像第一次世界大战的中期以后西欧地区那样的阵地战,就死了一大半。

    For the art of directing war and the active role of man are largely nullified in positional warfare such as that fought in Western Europe in the second half of World War I.