
zhàn lüè rèn wù
  • Strategic tasks;strategic mission
  1. 构建核心竞争力是我国企业的战略任务

    Constructing Central Competitive Power is a Strategic Mission of Chinese Enterprises

  2. 介休市煤矿企业十一五规划的战略任务

    The Strategic Mission of the Eleventh Five-year Plan of the Coal Mine Enterprises in Jiexiu City

  3. 论述了我国在加入WTO之际,面对国际经济质量竞争激烈的形势,各行各业如何抓住机遇,迎接挑战。强调了质量技术监督部门在加入WTO中的战略任务。

    On the occasion of acceding to the WTO , facing competition of international economy , it was emphasized for parts of quality and technique supervision that how to grasp the opportunities and do well the strategic task in acceding to the WTO in China .

  4. 企业改制是国家一项重要的战略任务。

    Enterprise restructure is an important strategic task for a nation .

  5. 保护生物多样性已经成为全球性的战略任务。

    Protecting biodiversity has become one of the global strategic events .

  6. 它既是一项长期战略任务,又是一个系统工程。

    It is both a long stratagem task and systems engineering .

  7. 深圳未来发展中的四大战略任务与选择

    Four Strategic Tasks Lying Ahead in the Future Development of Shenzhen

  8. 论节水是河北省的长期战略任务

    Water Saving ── A Long-Term Strategic Task for Hebei Province

  9. 这是一项伟大而艰巨的战略任务。

    It is a great , hard and strategical task .

  10. 全面落实这一战略任务具有重大意义。

    The full implementation of this strategic task is of great importance .

  11. 转型升级是塑料机械科学发展的战略任务

    Transformation and updating-strategic missions for scientific development of plastics machinery

  12. 节能监测工作是节能工作的一项战略任务

    Energy-saving monitoring is a strategic task in energy-saving work

  13. 这就是游击战争的战略任务。

    This is the strategic task of guerrilla warfare .

  14. 水土保持工作是四川盆地丘陵区的一项长期战略任务

    Soil conservation as a long-term strategic task in rolling areas of Sichuan basin

  15. 调整乔木树种结构是发展永康县林业的战略任务

    Adjusting Arbor Species Structure is a Strategic Task of Developing Forest in Yongkang

  16. 这是经济全球化、网络化发展的时代要求,是摆在所有企业面前必须完成的战略任务。

    These are the times requirements of the economic globalization and the network development .

  17. 培养和选拔优秀青年干部是党组织的一项紧迫的战略任务。

    Training and selecting excellent young cadres are urgent strategy task of party organization .

  18. 同时建设社会主义新农村的战略任务的提出又推动了农村图书馆事业的发展。

    Meanwhile the issue of the strategy task will also promote rural library cause .

  19. 论我国农村信息化可持续发展的战略任务

    On the Strategic Task of the Sustainable Development of Rural IT Application in China

  20. 构建社会主义和谐社会是一项战略任务

    Building Socialist Harmonious Society : A Strategic Task

  21. 教学生学会学习,这是素质教育的一项战略任务。

    " Teaching students how to learn " is a strategy of quality education .

  22. 为了顺利实现“十一五”发展纲要的战略任务,需要建立我国钢铁工业发展的循环经济。

    To finish the11th five-year plan , China need to develop the Circular Economy .

  23. 现阶段我国企业在营销活动中的非道德行为比较严重,因此,加强企业营销道德建设,是我国企业塑造良好形象,提高市场竞争力的重要战略任务。

    At the stage , some enterprises in China have very serious non-ethical marketing behaviors .

  24. 发展经济和保护生态环境,是长江沿岸地区可持续发展的两大战略任务。

    Developing economy and protecting environment are two strategic missions of areas along Changjiang River .

  25. 在我国经济社会发展过程中,节约能源已成为一项长期的战略任务。

    Energy conservation is a long-term strategic task in our country economic and social development .

  26. 推动产业结构优化升级,是关系经济全局紧迫而重大的战略任务。

    To upgrade industrial structure is a pressing strategic task crucial to the overall economy .

  27. 当前,我们党为什么提出建设学习型政党这一战略任务?

    At present , why did the party put forward the construction ofa learning-oriented party ?

  28. 指出钢铁企业的发展思路要从传统思维的误区中走出来,要把发展高附加值产品当作战略任务来抓;

    The development of high additional value products must be looked upon as a strategy task .

  29. 因此,解决高能耗问题已经成为钢铁企业的重要战略任务之一。

    Therefore , solving energy-intensive problem has already become the important strategic task steel enterprises one .

  30. 我国的高等教育国际化是本世纪社会经济科技和文化发展对高等教育提出的新要求,也是高等教育在经济、科技国际化历史潮流中面临的重要战略任务。

    Internalization of higher education is also an important strategic task in economic and scientific internalization .