
  • 网络strategic attack;strategic thrust
  1. 他们以保证减少战略攻击性武器作为新关系的开始。

    They are starting with a pledge to reduce strategic offensive arms .

  2. 我也相信用战略导弹攻击美国航母会导致核报复。

    I also believe an attack on a us carrier with a strategic missle would lead to nuclear retaliation .

  3. 从技术上说,美国航母是和本土一样的美国领土,所以如果你用洲际战略导弹攻击美国领土,核武器是是最合适的回应方式。

    And technically speaking us carrier is considered US territory as in US soil , so you shoot an ICBM at us soil * well * nuclear response would be most likely the response .

  4. 这过程,就是敌对的军队互相使用有利于己不利于敌的战略战术从事攻击或防御的一种特殊的社会活动形态。

    The process is the particular form of social activity in which the opposing armed forces attack each other or defend themselves against one another , employing strategy and tactics favourable to themselves and unfavourable to the enemy .

  5. 该战略指出,常规攻击应该由公司负责抵御。

    The strategy said that routine attacks should be fended off by companies .

  6. 网络安全战略预警系统的攻击检测技术研究

    Study of the Attack Detection Technology for the Strategic Indication Warning Systems of Network Security

  7. 当前,雷神有飞溅损伤,而战略巡洋舰为直接攻击伤害。

    Currently , the Thor has splash damage , whereas the Battlecruiser has direct damage in its attack .