
  • 网络strategic culture;strategy culture
  1. 印度战略文化对国家安全战略的影响

    India 's Strategic Culture : Influences on Its National Security Strategy

  2. 20世纪90年代的“战略文化”理论:一个拓展中的学术领域

    The Theory of Strategic Culture in the 1990s : Retrospection and Preview

  3. 培养共同的战略文化需要时间和耐心。

    It takes time and patience to nurture a common strategic culture .

  4. 中国传统战略文化意蕴悠远,博大精深。

    The traditional strategic culture of China has long sense and profound meaning .

  5. 作为一种战略文化,它曾几次导致日本走上对外侵略扩张的道路。

    The strategic culture led Japan on the path of invasion and expansion .

  6. 三是验证战略文化与国家行为之间的关系。

    Third , to test the relations between strategic culture and state behavior .

  7. 中国战略文化的重构:一项研究议程

    China 's Strategic Culture : A Research Program

  8. 试论中国对外战略文化的核心价值观

    The cultural values of Chinese foreign strategy

  9. 任何军事活动,都受战略文化传统的影响。

    All the military actions are affected by the traditional strategic cultures of different countries .

  10. 战略文化传统略论

    On the Tradition of Strategic Culture

  11. 从中美两国战略文化的差异看国家安全观的不同

    Divergence in National Security Viewpoint between China and USA Based on Difference in their Strategic Culture

  12. 战略文化是战略决策群体内化的一套观念体系和行为偏好。

    Strategic culture is composed of ideas and behavioral preferences which are shared by strategy makers .

  13. 论印度的战略文化

    On India 's Strategic Culture

  14. 然而,日本的争常外交仍然未改变过去一贯的战略文化,等级秩序观念依然左右着一些日本政治家的战略思维。

    However , Japan still clings to its hierarchical strategic culture without reflecting on its past aggression .

  15. 自鸦片战争始,中国传统战略文化走向了不断重塑的历程。

    Since Opium War , China 's traditional strategic culture has stepped on the continuous reshaping road .

  16. 本文运用战略文化这一视角来分析印度核战略的国内根源。

    From the strategic culture perspective , this paper focuses on the root of Indias nuclear strategy .

  17. 尽管战略文化的分析范式已在战略研究领域广为运用,但是从事战略研究的学者对战略文化的理解存在着差异。

    Although this paradigm has been used broadly in strategic studies , strategic culture is interpreted very differently .

  18. 中西方学者对中国战略文化的解读体现出深刻的不同。

    In interpreting China 's strategic culture , Chinese and Western Scholars have different and somehow contracting views .

  19. 战略文化是民族思想在长期发展中的历史沉淀。

    Strategic culture is historical deposition of the national thought that developed slowly during a lot of years .

  20. 这种性质是由现代国家成立的方式,国家的战略文化以及国家身份认同所决定的。

    It is determined by the history of the establishment of a country , strategic culture and national identity .

  21. 战略文化中最核心的要素是一国对其所处的国际环境的认识与感知。

    The core elements of strategic culture is a nation 's cognition to the international environment it locates to .

  22. 本文集中研究了印度战略文化的来源、思想基础以及传统战略特征。

    This study focuses on the origin , ideological foundation and traditional strategic characteristics of India 's strategic culture .

  23. 接下来,作者重点分析了印度战略文化的来源、思想基础及其特征。

    Subsequently , this chapter makes an analysis of the origin , theoretical basis and characteristics of Indian strategy culture .

  24. 文化成规不是一成不变的,美国与欧盟的战略文化也必将随着全球语境的变化而变化。

    The strategic culture of both the US and the EU will change with the variations of the global context .

  25. 因此,在对战略文化分析范式进行理论综述的基础上,作者给出了自己的战略文化概念。

    Consequently , this thesis defines its own concept of strategic culture based on a generalization of strategic cultural paradigm .

  26. 战略文化传统是一个国家在战略行为上所表现出来的持久性的、相对稳定的文化特征。

    The tradition of strategic culture is a permanent and relatively stable cultural caracter which a nation shows in strategic action .

  27. 黄帝不仅是中华民族的始祖,而且是中华战略文化的奠基者。

    The yellow emperor is not only Chinese nation 's primogenitor , but is a founder of the Chinese strategic culture .

  28. 战略文化是受战略决策群体、思想文化背景、历史经历和国际国内环境等多种因素影响建构而成的。

    Strategic culture is shaped by the strategy makers , cultural background , historical experiences and circumstances at home and abroad .

  29. 战略文化作为一个国家或民族潜在的思维方式与价值取向,对国际战略的决策具有重大影响。

    As a potential national or ethnic thinking style and value acquirement , Strategic culture attaches great influences on international strategic decision-making .

  30. 在这方面,中国战略文化传统为我们提供了丰富的资源,泛道德主义取向、和合思维、天人合一的整体宇宙观、天下为公的大同思想以及诚信博爱是中国战略文化传统的核心。

    In Chinese traditional strategic culture , all these provide the world some precious values and reasonable methods of thinking about international relations .