
jié jù
  • intercept;nodal increment
截距[jié jù]
  1. 两种延迟时间都等于截距时间的一半。

    Each of the two delay times is half the intercept time .

  2. 利用Excel计算红外水分仪校准过程中的斜率和截距

    Slope and Intercept Calculating with Excel in Calibration of Infrared Moisture Meter

  3. 用b值截距法预报中强震震级的方法研究

    Research on method predicting moderate earthquake magnitude by b-value interception

  4. r是直线的斜率,B是直线在纵坐标上的截距。

    R is the slope of the straight line and B its ordinate at the origin .

  5. 通过采用PANELDATA变截距模型,分析了影响上述地区基础研究能力的因素。

    Through the Panel Data model , this paper analyzed the factor which influence the ability of regional basic research .

  6. 利用PANELDATA的固定影响变截距模型,研究了开放式基金业绩和持股集中指数的关系。

    The thesis studied the relationship between the open-end fund performance and the shareholding concentrated index , using the fixed-impact Panel Data model .

  7. 对MR曲线的截距变化曲线进行类似于坐标旋转的校正,使对应信号初至的拐点成为曲线的极小值,有助于信号初至的自动检测。

    In order to detect arrival time of signals automatically , the intercept curve was corrected using a method that similarly to coordinate rotation .

  8. 目的探索ROC曲线下面积与ROC曲线在ND轴上的截距、斜率的关系。

    Objective : To study relationship area under ROC curve with intercept and slope .

  9. AVO截距与梯度交会图分析及应用

    AVO intercept and gradient crossplot analysis and its application

  10. 随机影响变截距面板GARCH(1,1)模型及其应用

    Variable Intercept Panel GARCH ( 1,1 ) Model with Random Effect and Its Application

  11. 介绍了红外水分仪的校准方法以及利用Excel的图表制作功能计算红外水分仪校准过程中的斜率与截距。

    The calibration of infrared moisture meter and the slope and intercept calculating during calibration using the charting function of Excel were introduced .

  12. 随着方位角的不同,其AVO曲线也是可以区分的,在AVO梯度截距交汇图中也有明显的界限。

    The difference also can be identified in the AVO gradient & intercept crossplot with different azimuth .

  13. 其次介绍其在实验数据的线性回归和相关性分析方面的应用实例,如求回归直线斜率、Y轴截距和求X、Y两组数据的相关系数等;

    Then , it introduced the actual applications in linear regression and relation analysis of experiment data . Such as calculating slop of line , correlation coefficient , and so on .

  14. 用投放质控标准样的方法来选择若干校准曲线,对这些标准曲线的截距a、斜率b的进行总体参数进行区间估计。

    With standard samples of quality control in the test , the calibration curves are chosen . For the population parameter of intercepts A and slope B of calibration curves , we can estimate its interval .

  15. 根据斜率和截距的不同,把CSD图分为两种类型。

    According to the difference of slope and intercept , CSD maps can be divided into two types .

  16. 孔隙度增加,AVO属性中的截距和梯度对含气饱和度的变化比对含油饱和度的变化敏感;

    With porosity increasing , gradient and intercept of AVO attributes are more sensitive to the changes of gas saturation than oil saturation .

  17. 垂直裂缝地层的曲线斜率逐渐增大,地层的AVO截距逐渐增大,斜率逐渐减小。

    While strata with vertical fractures will show an increasing rate of curve , an increasing AVO intercept , and a decreasing AVO slope .

  18. 结合分析标准第一导联中R/T比值,T-截距和R波与T波振幅之差值等三项指标的异常,使敏感度提高到70.5%(P<0.01)。

    Combined with analysis of three indices in lead I ( R / T ratio , T-intercept and the difference between R and T wave amplitude ), however , the sensitivity reaches 70.5 % ( P < 0.01 ) .

  19. 得到的CSD图中,不同样品间的斜率和截距具有明显差别,差值最大可达1个数量级。

    These CSD figures show significant differences between different samples on slope and intercept , and the largest difference is up to one order of magnitude .

  20. 本文从泊松定理出发,设计三度体理论模型,运用重磁对应分析方法,研究理论模型的重磁异常相关系数R、斜率B和截距A。

    According to the Poisson ` s theorem , the theories model of three degrees body was designed , and the related coefficient R , inclined rate B and intercepts A of model ` s gravity and magnetic anomalies by using correspondence analysis method were studied .

  21. 我们采用变截距模型和固定效应模型对外资银行进入的影响进行GLS估计。

    We take the variable intercept model and fixed effect model to carry out GLS estimate of the impact of foreign banks ' entrance .

  22. 试验证明,超声研齿的材料去除率为普通研齿加工的3倍,且齿面质量明显提高,齿面粗糙度Ra为0.2μm,水平截距c为1.2μm。

    The experiment proves that the material removal rate ( MMR ) for ultrasonic lapping is three times that of the conventional lapping and produces better tooth surface quality , the roughness being 0.2 μ m and the section height being 1.2 μ m.

  23. 薄层反射的AVO响应与薄层厚度有关,薄层厚度增加时,对其含油和含气饱和度的变化,梯度属性比截距属性更敏感。

    AVO response of thin-bed reflection is related to the thickness , when thin-bed thickness is increasing , gradient is more sensitive to the changes of oil and gas saturation than intercept .

  24. 结果表明,在超细晶条件下,霍尔佩奇(HP)关系的斜率系数ky将下降而截距σ0上升。

    The results show that with the ferrite refinement , k y , the slope of H P relationship , will decrease while σ 0 , the intercept of the H P , will increase .

  25. 供给函数均衡(SFE)模型在电力市场模拟分析得到较多的应用。一些研究采用零截距线性边际成本假设,可以给出简洁的模型和现实的结论。

    Supply function equilibrium ( SFE ) model is employed by some researchers in electricity market simulation . Some models assume zero-intercept linear marginal cost curve and produce simple and reasonable result .

  26. 在AVO截距与斜率交会图上,含气碳酸盐岩样点位于第4象限;AVO技术能够分辨的含气碳酸盐岩储层的最小厚度为10m。

    The sample points of gas-bearing carbonate rock are located in the 4th quadrant on the crossplot of AVO intercepts and slopes , and the least reservoir thickness resolved by the AVO technique is 10 meters .

  27. 100次搬举后平均功率频率截距在L3左竖脊肌下降了9%,与搬举前比较,差异有显著性(P<0.05),其他部位下降不明显。

    The mean power frequency intercept decreased by 9 % at L3 left erector spinae muscle ( P < 0.05 ), the decrease was not statistically significant at other sites ( P > 0.05 ) .

  28. 利用几何学知识推导出了确定电力系统实用动态安全域(PDSR)临界超平面的截距法。

    An intercept method to determine critical hyper-planes of practical dynamic security region ( PDSR ) of power system is developed by use of knowledge of geometry .

  29. 第二,在经过0.5标准静态检验法和ROC曲线动态检验法分别对各个模型进行检验后,证明含有随机截距项和随机系数的二元响应面板数据模型具备更理想的预测能力。

    Secondly , after tested each model using the ' 0.5 ' standard static test and ROC curve dynamic test method , we proofed that the binary response panel data model with a random intercept and random coefficient has better predictive ability .

  30. 根据Mandelbrot-Richardson曲线截距的变化,可以准确检测到地震信号的初至。

    The change of intercept of Mandelbrot-Richardson curve can be used to estimate arrival time of seismic signal accurately .