
  • 网络Dai Zhen;Tai Chen
  1. 戴震与江永关系的再探讨

    Re-probing into the True Relationship between DAI Zhen and JIANG Yong

  2. 戴震是十八世纪中国杰出的思想家。

    Dai Zhen was a famous thinker in the18th of china .

  3. 戴震经学研究的人文关怀

    The Human Concern of Dai Zhen 's Study of Confucian Classics

  4. 2005年度戴震研究综述

    The Comprehensive Statement of Research about Dai zhen in 2005

  5. 论戴震对徽州族谱的看法

    Dai Zhen ′ s View on the Genealogy Tree of Hui Zhou

  6. 戴震是一个深具同情心和平等意识的思想家。

    Dai Zhen was a thinker with sympathy and consciousness of equality .

  7. 试论戴震的语法修辞成就

    The describe for Dai Zhen achievement of grammar and rhetoric

  8. 戴震教育思想&主张慎习贵学,渐进融会贯通。

    Dai zhen education thought-cautious advocating learning , gradual claim wary of crashing .

  9. 近代中国学术史上的戴震&以清末民初学者对其考据学之“科学”性的评估为核心

    On Dai Zhen of the Modern Chinese Academic History

  10. 关于新发现的戴震佚诗二首

    A New Discovery of Two Poems By Dai Zhen

  11. 本论文共三章,第一章简单介绍了戴震及其著作《孟子字义疏证》。

    The first chapter introduced Dai Zhen and Meng Zi Zi Yi Shu Zheng .

  12. 戴震义理之学中的人性结构模式

    The Human Nature Structure Mode of Dai Zhen about Kindheartedness and Righteousness and Neo-Confucianism

  13. 戴震伦理学中的自由思想申论

    Dai Zhen 's Ethics : Thought of Freedom

  14. 戴震对自然科学的研究

    Dai Zhen 's Research on Natural Science

  15. 戴震(公元1724&1777年)是我国历史上一位杰出的思想家。

    Dai Zhen ( A.D. 1724-1777 ) is an extraordinary ethical thinker in Chinese history .

  16. 戴震伦理思想&讲究循理自由,追求适欲无私。

    Dai zhen ethics thought-Daniel pursuit of freedom , pay attention to follow to unselfish fitness .

  17. 戴震义理之学的历史评价及近代启蒙意义略论不可知论的历史评价问题

    Dai Zhen 's Theory of Principle with Righteousness : Its Historical Evaluation and Modern Significance of Enlightenment

  18. 论崔述的考据学与清代汉学之关系乾嘉汉学治学宗旨及其学术实践探析&以戴震、阮元为中心

    Analysis of the Relationship between Cui Shu 's Textual Research and Han Learning in the Qing Dynasty

  19. 第二节戴震思想的基本内涵,分别从五个方面加以论述。1.戴震义理思想&承传元典儒学,匡正程朱流弊。

    The second quarter the basic connotation , Dai zhen thoughts from five aspects respectively . 1 .

  20. 戴震的儒家经典诠释学思想分为早、中、后三个时期。

    The development of his classical annotation of Confucian experienced early period , middle period and later period .

  21. 戴震不满二者学术各有偏废,于是将“制数”与“义理”结合起来,创建了一种融二者于一体的“新理学”。

    So he combined the logos with the philology and set up his own " New Neo-philosophysm " philosophy s.

  22. 阮元在学术思想上虽然受到戴震的影响,但治学的侧重点和戴震显然有别。

    Ruan Yuan was different from Dai Zhen in pursuing studies , although Ruan Yuan was influenced by him .

  23. 首先以诗证诗是以戴震广博知识为基础;

    At first , Dai Zhen regards extensive knowledge as the foundation of " with the poem card poem ";

  24. 一种新伦理观的张扬:戴震的理欲统一论

    The Advocacy of a New Ethic Outlook : Dai Zhen 's Theory of the Unity of Justice and Desire

  25. 中德近代哲学革命的引领者&戴震与康德哲学思想之比较

    Pioneers in Modern Philosophy Revolution in China and Germany & Comparison of Dai Zhen 's philosophical thought with Kant 's

  26. 以智、仁为主要内容的德性论是戴震提出的实现这种道德秩序的根本途径。

    Dai Zhen 's theory of virtue with benevolence and wisdom as its focus is the fundamental means to realize this .

  27. 戴震在中国学术思想史上的地位,是以他对传统文化的深刻反思和无情批判而奠定的。

    His position in Chinese history of academic thinking was based on his profound introspection and merciless criticism to the traditional culture .

  28. 随着对戴学研究的深入,学术界对他思想诸多方面都进行了有益的探讨。但对戴震的人学思想缺乏系统性、完整性的研究。

    Academic circles have paid great attention to his thought , but systemic and integrated research is seldom seen on his anthropology .

  29. 从辞章到考据&论姚鼐学术生涯第一次重大转折与戴震的关系

    From Rhetoric to Textual Criticism : On the Relation of the First Reorientation in YAO Nai 's Academic Career and DAI Zhen

  30. 由于历史的原因,戴震诗学也呈现出时代的局限性,缺陷不克自掩。

    His study of The Book of Songs had the limitations of his era because of historic factor , so some defects appeared .