
  • 网络registered population;permanent residents
  1. 更重要是农村的户籍人口依然多,虽然不少流动去了。

    More important is the fact that registered population in the villages remains large , although many people have floated away .

  2. 他们一定是用了户籍人口算,因为没有谁知道多少农民「流动」去了。

    They must have used registered population in these calculations , because nobody knows how many farm-hands have " floated " away .

  3. 建议政府在全国范围内对户籍人口、流动人口的“产前筛查”实施免费,并建立病残儿童国家登记制度。

    I suggested providing free physical checks for pregnant women and building a national registration5 system for children with disabilities or disease .

  4. 基于PSR响应模型对乌鲁木齐市非户籍人口与房地产市场的相关性验证

    Verifying the Relevance for Non-household Population and Real Estate Market in Urumqi City Based on PSR Response Model

  5. 台湾地区户籍人口变动分析

    The Analysis of Changing for the Registered Permanent Residence in Taiwan Area

  6. 城市户籍人口中间阶层化;

    The registered residents in the city have coming into being New Middle Stratum ;

  7. 注:本表人均地区生产总值按户籍人口计算。

    Note : Per capita GDP in this table is calculated by household registered population .

  8. 户籍人口、迁移人口和常住人口的变动及趋势预测是各级政府进行国民经济和社会发展规划的重要指标。

    Registered permanent residents , migrants and permanent residents are important indexes for governments ' social and economic planning .

  9. 公安部表示了其将帮助非户籍人口获得合法认可,保护每位公民的户口权利。

    The ministry declared its intention to help unregistered people obtain proper recognition and protect every citizens ' right to hukou .

  10. 合理确定人口疏散比例是进行人防工程需求分析的关键,人防工程规划应该把户籍人口作为人口基数。

    Ensuring the proportion of population evacuation reasonably is the key to analysis of the demand of urban civil air defence works .

  11. 非户籍人口的婴儿及5岁以下儿童死亡率高于常住人口的死亡率。

    The mortality of infants and children under 5 years old of floating population were higher than that of inhabitant of Shenzhen .

  12. 如果以农户的总收入除以户籍人口,一个不实的低数字会出现。

    If one divides the observed total income of peasant households with the registered population , an artificially low per-capita income is obtained .

  13. 第四章对比分析在这些模式的影响下,珠三角五个城市户籍人口生活水平、工业经济效益和经济发展水平。

    Chapter 4 analyzes the living standard of census register population , industry economy results and district development level in the affection of these models .

  14. 但是随着流动人口数量急剧上升,上海市非户籍人口结核病疫情呈上升趋势。

    However , the TB prevalence among migrants is on the rise , accompanied by a sharp rise in the number of migrants in Shanghai .

  15. 结论:该区域户籍人口出生性别比偏高,而且与生育观念、医疗技术和生育政策有关系。

    Conclusion : the birth sex ratio is a bit higher in this area as it is related to views of family planning , medical technology and some policies .

  16. 通过这些手段,农民与迁入城市的农民工将享受与城市户籍人口相同待遇的那一天便为期不远了。

    By doing so , the day in which farmers and farmer-laborers who move to the cities will enjoy the same rights as urban residents will not be far off .

  17. 最后;在分析了中山市户籍人口、外来人口、总人口空间分布的基础上,总结出了中山市外来人口的空间分布效应。

    Finally , after analyzing the spatial distributing of registered permanent residence population , the migrants and total population , the paper summarizes the effect of spatial distribution of the migrants .

  18. 利用第三次、第四次、第五次人口普查资料,对广州市总人口、常住户籍人口和外来人口的空间分布和变动进行了详细分析。

    Based on the data from China 's third , fourth and fifth national census , this study analyses the spatial change of the total population , native population and transient population in Guangzhou .

  19. 新生代农民工是指出生于20世纪80年代以后,年龄在16岁以上,在异地以非农业就业为主的农业户籍人口。

    New Generation of migrant workers refer to the agricultural household population who were born in the 1980s later , more than 16 years of age , and employed in non-agricultural industry in cities .

  20. 结果(1)服务公平:将外来人口纳入结核病控制项目管理,实施全人口控制策略,并取得了与户籍人口一致的效果;

    Results ( 1 ) service equity : The external population was bring into the project management and the strategy of all population control was done , the effect was the same as population with residence card 's ;

  21. 有利于转移农村剩余劳动力,实现人口向城镇集聚,提高户籍人口城镇化率,实现户籍人口城镇化率与空间城镇化率的同步发展。

    Second conducive to the transfer of rural surplus labor force and population to the towns , to improve the level of the population urbanization rate , synchronous development of the household population urbanization rate space urbanization rate .

  22. 我国是农业大国,农村户籍人口约9.5亿,占总人口的72%左右,所以农业是我国经济发展、社会稳定的基础。

    Our country is the large agricultural country . The rural population is about 950 million of household register . It accounts for about 72 % of total population . Agriculture is the foundation of economic development and social stability in China .

  23. 据杜劲松收集的有关中国287个城市的人口数据显示,大约三分之二的城市(多半是规模较小的中心城市)常住人口少于户籍人口,这表明人们一直在离开家乡城市。

    According to population data collected by Mr. Du on 287 Chinese cities , about two-thirds , mostly smaller urban centers , had fewer residents than people who were registered to live there , suggesting people have been leaving their home cities .

  24. 【结果】2003年1月~2005年12月,深圳市受理病残儿鉴定总数340例,每年平均占户籍人口0.069‰,其中男207例,女133例,男女性比1.56∶1;

    【 Results 】 340 children applied for the disabled medicine authentication from Jan.2003 to Dec.2005 in Shenzhen , the average accounted for the household register population every year 0.069 ‰ . There were 207 boys and 133 girls , sex proportion 1.56 ∶ 1 ;

  25. 结论1.上海嘉定区孕妇孕期口腔保健知识普遍缺乏,尤其非户籍人口及文化程度不高的孕妇。

    More than half of pregnant women were willing to carry out routine oral examination . Conclusion : 1 . Pregnant women in Jiading District , Shanghai universally lacked of knowledge of oral health during pregnancy , especially the migrants and low education pregnant women .

  26. 研究表明,深圳目前户籍人口人均小汽车拥有率为18.74%,当家庭年收入达到20万元以上时,小汽车拥有率基本达到一户一车,并且处于稳定状态。

    Study shows that the per capita car ownership rate of resident population is 18.74 % at present . When a family 's annual income reached more than 200,000 Yuan , a family car ownership rate reached a basic car , and is in stable condition .

  27. (五)业的会计核算应当按照规定的会计处理方法进行,会计指标应当口径一致、互可比。注:本表按可比价格计算,其中本市人均生产总值为按户籍人口计算值。

    Accounting records and financial statements must be prepared according to prescribed accounting treatments , and accounting information of an enterprise must be compatible and comparable . Note : The indices in this table are calculated at comparable prices . Per capita GDP is calculated by household registered population .

  28. 1亿多非户籍人口在城市落户的行动正在继续,1300万人在城镇找到了工作,解决棚户区问题的住房开工了580万套,新市民有了温暖的家。

    More than 100 million people from our rural areas are gradually becoming permanent residents in our cities . 13 million have found jobs , and construction has begun on 5.8 million new homes for those people living in dilapidated houses . Many have already moved into their new warm homes .

  29. 流动(非北京市户籍)人口对北京市结核病流行的影响

    Impact of immigrants on epidemic of tuberculosis in Beijing

  30. 我国非户籍迁移人口的结构与数量分析流动(非北京市户籍)人口对北京市结核病流行的影响

    Analyzing Structure and Quantity of Non-registered Population 's Movement in China Impact of immigrants on epidemic of tuberculosis in Beijing