
  1. 沈阳市房地产交易市场发展策略的研究

    Research of Shenyang Real Estate Trading Market Development Strategy

  2. 其对激活房地产交易市场,降低房产交易成本,提高交易效率,起到积极作用。

    To activate the real estate market , reduce property transaction cost , improve the trade efficiency , play a positive role .

  3. 另外笔者还建议设立房地产股权交易市场,以拓宽房地产PE的退出渠道。

    In addition , the author also recommended the establishment of real estate equity market , in order to widen the exit channels of the real estate PE .

  4. 随着房地产事业的发展,房地产交易市场日益活跃,交易双方当事人的交易纠纷也大量涌现。

    With the development of real estate industry , the market of real estate is booming gradually .

  5. 合理规制存量房买卖恶意违约问题,不仅能最大限度保护守约方的合法权益,还能净化现阶段的房地产交易市场。

    Reasonable regulation of trading in the trading malicious compliance issues of the existent property , not only to maximize the protection of the legitimate rights and interests observant , but also the purification stage of the real estate market .

  6. 房地产投资权益证券化作为房地产金融领域的一个重要创新,通过其特有的运行机制有效连接了房地产开发市场、交易市场、消费市场与资本市场,已成为国际上房地产金融发展的趋势。

    As an important innovation in real restate financing market , real estate investment equity securitizations efficiently connect developing market , trade market , consuming market and capital market by its special operation mechanism .