
  • 网络Real Estate Mortgage Loans
  1. 被誉为最安全贷款的美国优质房地产抵押贷款在2010年也大规模地资不抵债。

    Known as the most secure bandwidth of high-quality U.S. real estate mortgage loans are also large insolvent in 2010 .

  2. 在市场比较法中引入集对分析模型,并用房地产抵押贷款额度确定的案例进行了实证分析。

    I introduce a set of pair analysis model in the market comparison method and using real estate mortgage loans to determine the empirical analysis of the case .

  3. 美国房地产抵押贷款证券化及其启示

    Real Estate Mortgage-backed Securities in US and Its Inspiration to China

  4. 国外房地产抵押贷款模式的发展和比较(二)

    Development and Comparison of Foreign Real Estate Mortgage Financing Modes ;

  5. 房地产抵押贷款存在的问题及对策研究

    A Study on Problems and Countermeasures in Mortgage Loan of Real Estate

  6. 房地产抵押贷款二级市场初探

    The Initial Study of the Secondary Market of Residential Mortgage

  7. 对推进我国房地产抵押贷款证券化的思考

    A Consideration of Propelling the securitization of Our Country 's Real Estate Mortgage

  8. 房地产抵押贷款证券化。

    Securitization about real estate mortgage loan .

  9. 房地产抵押贷款方面的规范性文件滞后;

    Normalized documents lag behind mortgage loans ;

  10. 金融创新与房地产抵押贷款证券化

    Financial Innovation and Mortgage Backed Securitization

  11. 我们发现房地产抵押贷款证券比较发达的国家都具备很好的经济与法律环境,交易成本较低。

    We find that the country with successful mortgage securitisation has good environments about laws and economy .

  12. 我国的房地产抵押贷款有不断增长的趋势,这给商业银行带来了巨大的压力。

    The real estate mortgage in China is increasing , which brings enormous pressure to the commercial banks .

  13. 房地产抵押贷款保证保险首先兴起于美国,后被其它国家所效仿。

    The guarantee insurance of real estate mortgage first sprung up in U. S. , later spread to other countries .

  14. 各国关于房地产抵押贷款证券化的基本框架大致相同,但是因为具体法律、经济等环境的又有所区别。

    Their basic frame is roughly the same , but there are some different things in details for their concrete environments .

  15. 针对房地产抵押贷款存在的几个问题,提出了几点建议和对策。

    In the light of the problems in mortgage loan of real estate , the paper presents some suggestions and countermeasures .

  16. 目前国内的学术界偏重于对房地产抵押贷款证券化的研究,对应收款证券化讨论较少。

    But the internal scholars paid more attention to estate gage loan backed securitization and rarely talk about accounts receivable securitization .

  17. 交易结构和种类房地产抵押贷款债权证券化是结构性融资,构造具有破产隔离机制的交易结构是资产证券的核心和生命。

    The second chapter is " the structure and kind of exchange " . The securitization of mortgage-backed loans is structure financing .

  18. 本文分四章进行了论述。一、房地产抵押贷款债权证券化的含义和特征:资产证券化概念包含三层含义:资产是指那些缺乏流动性,但具有可预见未来现金收入的金融资产;

    In the concept of asset securitization , " asset " is referred to those financial assets which lack liquidity but have expectable cash revenues ;

  19. 国会已经通过一个法案来改革信用卡作业,而现在则希望能有一个新的机构来监管诸如房地产抵押贷款和薪金预支等服务。

    Congress has already passed a bill reforming credit-card practices , and now wants a new body that will regulate things like mortgages and payday loans .

  20. 论文的第二章为经济周期对房地产抵押贷款风险影响的理论分析,这是本文的重点。

    The second chapter of this thesis is theoretical analysis of economic cycle 's effect on real estate mortgage risk , that is the emphasis of this paper .

  21. 值得注意的是,在这些危机中有一个共同的特点,那就是房地产抵押贷款风险的影响都占有非常重要的地位,尤其是在日本的金融危机中。

    Among these crises , a common characteristic is that the influence of real estate mortgage risk played a key role , especially in the Japanese financial crisis .

  22. 因此无论是贷款买车,还是开设个人储蓄账户,抑或是进行投资房地产抵押贷款,你都可以在一个银行办理。

    So whether it 's a loan to buy a car or Isas or a mortgage for an investment property , you can get it all under one roof .

  23. 然后结合我国的实际情况,阐述我国房地产抵押贷款证券化的重要意义以及目前存在的主要障碍。

    Secondly , combine the actual conditions of our country , explain the important meaning of the housing mortgage loan securitisation of our country and the main obstacle at present .

  24. 可见住房抵押贷款证券化制度能够有效克服目前我国房地产抵押贷款实践中的缺陷,有利于建立一个相对完善的住房金融制度。

    So that is to say the policy of housing mortgage can overcome the limitation in practice which is in favor of setting up a relative perfect housing financial policy .

  25. 综合比较研究国外房地产抵押贷款模式的发生、发展对我国房地产业有着积极的借鉴意义。

    Making comprehensive comparison of and research on the occurrence and development of foreign real estate mortgage financing modes provides an active reference for our country 's real estate industry .

  26. 美国已建立起了以房地产抵押贷款和信托投资基金为主,以房地产夹层融资、企业债券为辅的多元化房地产企业融资渠道。

    The United States has established the diversified financing channel consisted by the real estate mortgage and trust-based investment funds mainly , and the real estate mezzanine finance and the corporate bonds .

  27. 最后根据我国实际情况构建一个可行的房地产抵押贷款证券化模式,并阐述政府在证券化操作全过程中的行为构思。

    Finally , structure a feasible housing mortgage loan securitisation mode according to the actual conditions of our country , and explain the government 's behavior in the housing mortgage loan securitisation .

  28. 首先从理论上来看,通过对房地产抵押贷款风险在经济周期波动过程中变化的研究,可以对两者之间的关系有一个清晰的认识,而目前理论界对此问题的研究尚不多见;

    Firstly , from the view of theory , we can make the relation between the risk of the real estate mortgage loan and economic cycle , which fills the gaps in the theory field .

  29. 本文使用实证分析、规范分析和比较分析的方法,根据我国当前的具体经济、法律等制度环境,提出构建房地产抵押贷款证券化市场的途径。

    Basing on today 's surrounding of law and economy , the article give some way to build the mortgage securities market by the method of real example analysis , standardize analysis and comparative analysis .

  30. 从房地产抵押贷款到消费信贷市场的发展,从银行业改善经营管理到企业拓展融资渠道,无不显示资产证券化的优势。

    From the mortgage loan of real estate to the development of the market of consumer credit , from bank trade improvement management to enterprise , extend financing channels , show the advantage of asset securitization invariably .