
  1. WainwrightEconomics的戴维兰森(DavidRanson)进行的一项有趣研究显示,美国的房屋止赎率和房价之间存在着完美的正相关。

    Fascinating research by David Ranson of Wainwright Economics shows an almost perfect correlation between US foreclosure rates and declines in house prices .

  2. 但各州数据存在显著差异,而房屋止赎率能够解释90%的变动。

    But this varied greatly between States and foreclosure rates explained 90 per cent of the variation .

  3. 涨幅最大的是内华达州,近几年来该州的房屋止赎率居于全美各州之首。

    The biggest increase was in Nevada , which in recent years led state 's on foreclosures .

  4. 所幸,在我们大多数的危机都市中,房屋止赎率好于房贷拖欠率。

    In most of our riskiest cities , the foreclosure rate is more modest than the delinquency rate .

  5. 只有房屋止赎率最高的四个州内华达、佛罗里达、亚利桑那和加利福尼亚房价跌幅超过了20%。

    The four states with worst rates Nevada , Florida , Arizona and California were the only four to suffer price declines of more than 20 per cent .