
  • room layout
  1. 如把房间布置的跟过圣诞节或新年一样。

    If the room layout as with the Christmas or New Year .

  2. 这个房间布置得十分宜人。

    The room is arranged very attractively .

  3. 这个房间布置得很雅致。

    The room was furnished with taste .

  4. 这房间布置得很舒适。

    The room was nicely furnished .

  5. 墙壁是白色的,地面铺了地砖,房间布置得特别简单朴素。

    The room is typically simple and unadorned , with white walls and a tiled floor .

  6. 墙壁是白色的,地面铺了地砖,房间布置得特别朴素。

    The room is typically unadorned , with white walls and a tiled floor .

  7. 房间布置得很漂亮。

    The room was beautifully decorated .

  8. 他们把房间布置好准备开会。

    They arranged the room for the meeting .

  9. 房间布置得很美观。

    The room is artistically decorated .

  10. 我们已经将那间空出来的房间布置成了育儿室。

    We 've fitted up the spare room as a nursery .

  11. 不过,他们把这个房间布置得友好而温馨。

    However , they managed to keep this room friendly and intimate .

  12. 你想知道我的房间布置吗?

    Do you care to know how I 've furnished my room ?

  13. 他们把房间布置得相称协调。把房间布置好,准备开会用。

    They proportioned their rooms well . Make the room ready for the meeting .

  14. 你想把房间布置成什么样子?

    How would you like the room setup ?

  15. 房间布置得舒舒服服。

    The rooms were comfortably enough furnished .

  16. 房间布置得很好:蓝色的墙使黄色的家具变得更加显眼。

    The room is well decorated : The blue wall sets off the yellow furniture .

  17. 双鱼座的人偏爱将房间布置地浪漫又不失梦幻彩,你通常钟爱以海洋为主题的布局。

    You design rooms aesthetically based on transcendentalism and dreams , often including sea-themed elements .

  18. 你的房间布置的好别致!

    Your room is very well decorated .

  19. 他们把房间布置得相称协调。

    They proportioned their rooms well .

  20. 我译为:它显示出脚的优点,房间布置成红色,重新构成与那边对应的空间。

    It shows the foot to advantage , and furnishes with blushes and re-composing airs beyond comparison .

  21. 这房间布置得井井有条。我们必须把所有东西摆布得井井有条。

    The room is in reasonably good order . We have to get everything arranged in good order .

  22. 酒店共有客房137间,房内设施高档齐全,房间布置雅致温馨;

    A total of137 hotel rooms , room facilities , complete high-end , elegant layout of a warm room ;

  23. 我发现,许多单身人士喜欢把居住的房间布置得非常适合自己,非常反映自己的性格。

    I have found that many single people just love making their home into a place that really fits them , that really reflects who they are .

  24. 我们知道的许多东西是不需要理解就能学到的,如脸、人际交往、态度、优美的旋律、品牌名称、房间布置、房间或办公室里的家具等。

    Most of what we know we learn without understanding : things like faces , social interactions , attitudes , melodies , brand names , the arrangement of rooms , and furniture in our houses and offices .

  25. 得告诉斯特凡和达蒙房间已经布置好了

    We need to let Stefan and Damon know the room 's ready .

  26. 房间都布置得简朴而美观。

    The rooms are simply but prettily furnished .

  27. 房间都布置捕捉自然冷却的海风。

    The rooms are laid out to capture the ocean breezes for natural cooling .

  28. 除了直接的言语和体语交流之外,房间的布置,家俱的颜色,画像的摆挂,阳泡的投射等等,都在传达着无声的信息。

    Besides the direct spoken language and the body language exchange , the room arrangement , furniture 's color , the pendulum which paints a portrait hangs , soaks positive projection and so on , is transmitting the silent information .

  29. 房间的色调布置得鲜明醒目。

    The room was decorated in bold colors .

  30. 你房间最容易布置“马匹保护措施”

    It was the easiest room to horse proof .