
  1. 理想原木钝棱扁方材BOF的实用精确解析解推导

    The practical exact analytic results of BOF on the flat square-edge of ideal log

  2. 早期铭文主要描写战事伟绩,书体特点总体上雄强浑厚、凝重古朴;中期典雅平和、用笔圆润、章法日益鲜明;晚期铭文多长篇巨制,字形扁方、秀丽典雅。

    Early inscriptions mainly described war exploits . The chirography characteristics were grand and vigorous , dignified and simple ; Medium-term was elegance , calm and mellow , the rules became clear increasingly . Late inscriptions mostly were voluminous . The grapheme was flat-square , beautiful and elegant .

  3. 该机适用于医药、化工、食品、日化等扁、方、圆、椭圆、圆锥瓶、定位双面等异型贴标。

    This machine is suitable for processing the isomerism label , which is for medicine , chemical , food and commodity etc and flat , square , oval , tapered and single orientation etc.

  4. 适用于扁瓶、方瓶、有轻弧度扁瓶及方瓶两侧贴标。

    Application : flat , square , or flat with small curvature bottles , single or double side labeling .