
shǒu zú qíng shēn
  • The love between brothers is deep
手足情深[shǒu zú qíng shēn]
  1. 我们现在手足情深,推心置腹。

    Now the two of us are dear , loving friends .

  2. 我们手足情深亲密无间。

    We are brothers as thick as thieves .

  3. 这样各阶层间相互疼慈对建立一个真正的、手足情深的,亲如兄弟的穆斯林社区有很大帮助。

    This contact between the various levels of society helps to create a real bond of brotherhood in the Muslim community .

  4. 班纳特小姐对伊丽莎白手足情深,觉得她妹妹被任何人爱上了都是理所当然的事情,因此开头虽然惊讶,过后便觉得不足为奇了。

    Miss Bennet 's astonishment was soon lessened by the strong sisterly partiality which made any admiration of Elizabeth appear perfectly natural ; and all surprise was shortly lost in other feelings .

  5. 在泰国王室的高度重视和亲自推动下,手足情深的中泰传统友谊和友好合作关系在21世纪一定会有更美好的前景,并将永远发扬光大,世代相传。

    The Sino-Thai traditional friendship and cooperation , valued and backed by the Thai Royal family , will surely embrace a more brilliant future in the21th century and be handed down from generation to generation .

  6. 从前有个女巫,她有三个儿子,这兄弟三人真是手足情深,可女巫却不信任他们,总以为他们会夺走她的权。

    There was once an enchantress , who had three sons who loved each other as brothers , but the old woman did not trust them , and thought they wanted to steal her power from her .