
  • 网络Zade;Khalilzad;blizzards;buzzard
  1. 上世纪60年代中期,扎德建设性地提出了模糊集合理论,从此人们对模糊知识有了更为精确的表达。

    In the mid-1960s , Zade constructively proposed the fuzzy set theory ; henceforth people had a kind of more precise expression to the fuzzy knowledge .

  2. 叫法扎德给你拿一些吧。

    Tell Farzad to fetch you some .

  3. 1965年,美国科学家扎德发表了著名论文《模糊集合》,对很多学科影响深远,也给系统研究语言模糊提供了理论基础。

    In1965 , the American scientist , Lofti Zadeh put forward his influential paper fuzzy sets , which also provided a theoretical foundation for a systematic study of fuzzy linguistics .