
zā rǎn
  • bandhnu;plangi;tie-dye
扎染 [zā rǎn]
  • [bandhnu] 织物在染色时部分结扎起来使之不能着色的一种染色方法

扎染[zā rǎn]
  1. 他身穿一件颜色鲜艳的扎染的T恤。

    He wore a T-shirt that had been tie-dyed in bright colours

  2. 我买了条非常好的扎染丝巾。

    I bought a great tie-dyed silk scarf .

  3. 他们身穿扎染衣服和披风。

    They wore tie-dyes and ponchos .

  4. 其中她拜见了克雷格•格林(CraigGreen),对方的扎染服装展在本届时装周上大放异彩。

    Among those she met was Craig Green , whose tie-dye show was one of the best of the season .

  5. 在撒丁岛(Sardinia)度假时,全家人会把桶都装满水,体验扎染技术。

    During our summer vacations in Sardinia , [ the family ] would fill buckets with water and experiment with the tie-dye technique .

  6. 扎结技法和染色参数对扎染制品风格的影响

    Tying Techniques and Dyeing Parameters Affecting the Styles of Tie-Dyed Products

  7. 基于计算机技术的扎染图案设计研究与应用

    Application of Modern Tie-dyeing Pattern Design Based on the Computer Technology

  8. 浅谈手工扎染的审美特征

    On the aesthetic characteristics of the handwork tieing and coloring

  9. 南通扎染工艺特色及产业化开发的几点思考

    Reflections on Characteristics of Nantong Tie-dye Craftsmanship and Development of Its Industrialization

  10. 白族扎染工艺文化的传承、保护与开发

    Passing On , Protection and Development of Dyeing Technology of Bai Nationality

  11. 扎染时装,图案新颖,色彩自然。

    Tie-dyed fashions are of novel patterns and natural colors .

  12. 扎染是一种古老的民间手工纺织品染色艺术。

    Tie-dyeing is an ancient folk art of hand-dyeing textiles .

  13. 扎染的防染手段很多。

    Defending dyeing the means numerously of tie dyeing .

  14. 棉针织品拼色扎染技术研究

    A Study on Matching Tie-dyeing Process of Cotton Knits

  15. 扎染图案纹样及其制作特点

    The Pattern of Tie-Dyeing and Its Characteristics of Making

  16. 大理白族扎染,一种古朴的民间手工艺。

    Dali bai tie-dye , a simple folk crafts .

  17. 棉针织服装扎染工艺

    The Knot Dyeing Technology of Knitted Cotton Clothing

  18. 扎染是中国一种古老的防染工艺。

    Tie dyeing is a kind of old defending dyeing the craft in China .

  19. 厌氧折流池/生物滤池/人工湿地处理扎染废水

    Research on Tie-dyeing Wastewater Treatment Using Anaerobic Baffled Reactor / Biofilter / Constructed Wetland

  20. 嬉皮还会穿图案抽象的彩色服饰,这种衣服被称为“扎染”。

    A hippie would also wear colourful clothing with abstract patterns known as'tie-dye ' .

  21. 真丝绸扎染的研究

    Researches on Real Silk Tie - Dyeing

  22. 当代扎染艺术设计内涵

    Design Connotation of Modern Knot Dyeing Art

  23. 扎染工艺及其应用

    Tie - Dyeing and its Application

  24. 扎染艺术的传统与现代

    Traditional and modern tie-dye Art

  25. 本文探讨了旅游业背景下,扎染工艺文化的传承、保护及开发。

    This paper discusses how to pass on , protect and develop dyeing technology of Bai nationality .

  26. 琼斯通过推出印花衬衣、拉链款补丁式运动夹克衫以及扎染夹克,满足了自己展现青春活力的愿望。

    Jones satisfied his desire for youthfulness via bandanna print shirts , varsity patch zip-ups and tie-dye jackets .

  27. 对扎染、印花、吹涂等新的染整方法应用于山羊软包革,提高残次皮档次首次作了报导。

    Some new methods of dyeing and finishing have been made to improve the qualities of defective skin .

  28. 手工扎染具有独特的审美特征,是其他艺术形式所无法比拟的。

    The handwork tieing and coloring has its own unique aesthetic characteristics , which cannot compare with other artistic forms .

  29. 当然如果你有一定的绘画基础,还可以做蜡染、扎染。

    Of course , if you have the basis of certain paintings , but also can do batik , tie-dye .

  30. 扎染工艺灵活,具有独特风格,其效果是任何机器大生产印染难以达到的。

    Goods dyed in this way appear on the unique style which can not be obtained by any mechanical process .