
  • strap;packing belt
  1. 将办公室的文件打包带回家。

    Pack up your office files and take them home .

  2. 没打包带去学校或者放到阁楼上的…

    Anything that 's not packed for college or in the attic ...

  3. 切断并拆开紧固纸箱和底托的打包带;

    Cut and remove the packing strip which fasten the carton and Backing Board .

  4. 如果有剩下的,我们就打包带回家。

    Leonard : If we have extra , we 'll just take the leftovers home .

  5. 重型塑料打包带制造机

    Heavy-duty plastic packing tape making machine

  6. 记得把你的运动装备打包带上。

    Always pack your exercise gear .

  7. 该种打包带的特色,是在打包带的内部设有内夹层。

    The utility model is characterized in that an inner sandwich layer is arranged in the baling belt .

  8. 搜索人员上周六获得的一个重大发现是几个体积较小的物体,其中包括一个被打包带环绕的木质托盘。

    One significant discovery by searchers on Saturday was a number of small items , including a wooden pallet surrounded by strapping belts .

  9. 介绍了利用废旧塑料加工成打包带的设备。说明其结构性能、技术参数和应用。

    The paper introduced the equipment to produce the packing belts with waste plastics as well as its structure characteristics , technical parameters and applications .

  10. 需要我帮你叫服务员把这些菜打包带回家么?浪费食物是可耻的。

    Do you want me to ask the waiter to wrap up this food to take it home with you ? It is a shame to waste it .

  11. 用切绳器把大绳割断之前,司钻一定要把做切割记号的两边用铁丝或打包带绑好。

    The driller ensures that the drilling line is wrapped with the soft wire or tape at both sides of the mark before cutting the drilling line with the hydraulic line cutter .

  12. 他们鼓励就餐者将剩菜打包带回家;他们对在公共场所吸烟的人进行处罚;他们甚至挨家挨户地敦促市民不要在公共场所穿睡衣&最后这项似乎是上海人最钟爱的一种生活习惯。

    They encourage diners to take home restaurant leftovers ; they penalize smoking in public places ; and they even go door-to-door encouraging residents not to wear pyjamas in public , Shanghai 's most endearing cultural practice .

  13. 我们走着瞧它说好啊。这时候我决定把那东西打包带回去。所以我把它寄给了你,为了安全的缘故。”

    I said we 'd see about that and it said that we would . That 's when I decided pack the thing up and get it out of there . So I sent it to you for safety . "

  14. 虾仁炒蛋的虾仁中搀入了绍兴米酒,炒蛋十分嫩滑,筷子不好夹(我把剩下的打包带回家,吃的时候依然很滑)。

    and shrimp dashed with Shaoxing ( rice wine ) and engulfed in barely set scrambled eggs that slip through the chopsticks . ( I ate the leftovers , still slippery , out of the box when I got home . )

  15. 将您的文件打包以便带至另一台计算机

    Pack your files to take to another computer

  16. 或者你也可以把所有的结婚礼物打包一起自己带回家。

    Or , pack an extra duffle bag to bring them home yourselves .

  17. 我打包了他当时带的所有杂志,比如《麦考》(McCall’s),还有八卦杂志。

    I had all of the magazines that he had , McCall 's , the fan magazines .

  18. 还要打包雨具,多带几双袜子。

    Include rain gear and an extra pair of socks .

  19. 打包野餐,多带一些三明治,水果和饮料。

    Pack a picnic lunch filled with sandwiches , fruit , and something to drink .

  20. 不要浪费食物。打包,让我带回去。

    Don 't waste that food . Wrap it up and I 'll take it home .

  21. 日落晚餐:我们打包或购买晚餐带到海滩上观看日落。

    Sunset dinner : we pack or buy a dinner and take it to the beach to watch the sunset .

  22. 该方案与钢筋打包成捆后的计数不同,是在打包之前对传送带上的钢筋计数,这对钢筋生产线的自动化及生产与销售的便利化更具意义。

    This method , which counts reinforce steel bars on transmission belt before packing , quite different from that after packing , is significative for the automatization of reinforcing steel bar product line and convenience for producing and selling .