
  • 网络Tokaj;Tokay;Tocai
  1. 我还尝试了皇家托卡伊(RoyalTokaji)的2003年5Puttonyos(Puttonyo是当地采集葡萄的容器,用以表示甜度等级——译注)葡萄酒,它在酒瓶中会变成深琥珀色。

    I tried a 2003 5 Puttonyos from Royal Tokaji , which had turned a dark amber in the bottle .

  2. 还有一些清酒是用日本柚酿制的,这种柑橘属水果又称香橙,味道就像是意大利柠檬酒(limoncello)的浓郁版。而梅酒则仿佛是梅子味的匈牙利甜酒托卡伊(Tokaj)。

    Some other sake uses yuzu , a Japanese citrus , making the drink a tangy cousin of the Italian limoncello , while umeshu is kind of a plummy version of the Hungarian dessert wine Tokaj .