
  • 网络expansion strategies
  1. hays表示,英国市场的疲软为该公司的海外扩张策略提供了理由。

    Hays said the weakness in the UK endorsed its strategy of overseas expansion .

  2. 采取区域垄断、梯度推进的扩张策略;

    Use the expansive tactics of region monopolize and gradient advance ;

  3. 基于空间动力学的城市用地扩张策略研究

    Study on Strategy about Urban Land Expanding Based on Space Dynamics

  4. 中国银行业的机遇与反危机扩张策略

    The Opportunities for China 's Banking Industry and Anti-Crisis Strategy

  5. 中国零售企业农村扩张策略浅析

    The tactics for China retail enterprise 's expansion in countryside

  6. 我不同意我们的扩张策略

    Rather than say I disagree with our expansion strategy

  7. 基于探索区域扩张策略的Q-学习算法

    Q-Learning Algorithm Based on Exploration Region Expansion Policy

  8. 在分销渠道策略方面,采用保守扩张策略。

    Distribution channel strategy , conservative expansion strategy .

  9. 中国银行业海外扩张策略选择

    The Strategies of Chinese Banking Oversea Expanding

  10. 将制定自己的扩张策略。

    It would set its expansion strategy .

  11. 专注核心业务与扩张策略

    Focusing on Core Business and Expanding Strategy

  12. 人们不说我不同意我们的扩张策略或者,更好,这看起来真傻。

    Rather than say , I disagree with our expansion strategy or better yet , this seems truly stupid .

  13. 并在此基础上提出了会计职业界应该采取的策略,其中包括扩张策略和收缩策略。

    On this basis two strategies are provided , expanding strategy and concentrating strategy to the Chinese accounting profession .

  14. 早期扩张策略是占领北面叛军控制的城市,比如索非亚和东南方的士麦那。

    Early plans for expansion involve the capture of rebel settlements to North , such as Sofia , and to the South East-Smyrna being a likely target .

  15. 各大手机制造商都正受到经济低迷的冲击,而摩托罗拉则因2006年在新兴市场实行消耗利润的扩张策略而步履艰难。

    All the leading handset manufacturers are being hurt by the downturn , but Motorola is reeling from a profit-draining expansion strategy launched in emerging markets in 2006 .

  16. 本章提出的两个模型考虑的是在预算给定情况下,针对不同的假设条件,网络的容量扩张策略。

    Firstly , it is the research of cost budget models and algorithms in network capacity expansion , which considers two models ' capacity expansion strategy under given budget with different assumptions .

  17. 新加坡证交所一直寻求提高公司治理水平,并收紧了中国公司上市程序。由于本地上市资源有限,新加坡证交所实行海外扩张策略,而中国公司在其策略中占有至关重要的地位。

    The SGX since then has sought to improve corporate governance and tighten listing procedures for S-chips , which have been crucial to its strategy of expanding beyond its limited source of local listings .

  18. 尽管目前淡马锡在华业务的规模不是特别大,但它野心勃勃,试图制定一个有别于其它外国投资机构(比如在中国内地开展业务的私人股本投资公司)的在华扩张策略。

    While today Temasek is not particularly large in China , it harbours big ambitions and is trying to craft a strategy that differs from other foreign investors such as the private equity firms operating on the mainland .

  19. 造成这种现状的因素有很多,运营模式(包括交易结构、销售方式、财务策略、扩张策略等)无疑是影响工程机械制造企业经营业绩的一个重要因素。

    To choose an appropriate operating model ( including trade structure , credit sales , financial strategy and expansion strategy , etc. ) is undoubtedly one of the key factors that affect the performance of engineering machinery manufacturing enterprises .

  20. 在分析了企业管理信息化动态规划的原则和方法后,提出了基于核心业务的能力扩张策略和基于战略联盟的雁行拉动策略这两种企业管理信息化动态规划的策略。

    After analyzing the principles and methods of dynamic planning of enterprise 's management informationalization , two types of dynamic planning of driven-type dynamic planning strategy based on core business and drawing-type dynamic planning strategy based on strategy alliance are put forward .

  21. 通过对本土零售企业竞争力差的原因分析,在大量资料分析和案例研究的基础上,提出三种竞争策略:规模扩张策略、差异化策略和强势品牌策略。

    Through the analysis of local retailing enterprises ' weak competitiveness , this article will bring forward three kinds of competitive strategy based on a large number of data analysis and case studies , they are : the scale expanding strategy , the differentiation strategy and the strong brand strategy .

  22. 其中品牌策略安全包括品牌生命周期策略安全,品牌延伸策略安全,品牌扩张策略安全,品牌意识策略安全,品牌形象策略安全;

    Brand tactics security includes the security of a brand 's lifecycle tactics , the security of a brand 's prolongation tactics , the security of a brand 's extension tactics , the security of the conception of a brand tactics , the security of a brand 's image tactics .

  23. 如今,零售商通过连锁经营、并购扩张等策略使其势力增强。

    The monopoly power of retailers has been reinforced through chain operations , acquisition and expansion strategies .

  24. 市场占领与金融控制:西方大国对外扩张新策略剖析

    An Analysis of the New Strategies of Western Great Powers to Expand in the World : Market Control and Finance Control

  25. 作为资本运作和公司发展扩张的常用策略,交叉持股已是频繁出现在上市公司之间。

    As a common strategy for capital operation and development of the company , cross-holding has frequently appeared among listed companies .

  26. 加强亚洲艺术界内部的相互交流,是共同面对欧洲中心主义和西方强势文化扩张的有效策略。

    It is therefore an effective strategy to strengthen internal exchanges in the art world of Asia in order to confront collectively against Euro-centrism and the hegemonic Western culture .

  27. 详细分析了集团获取市场竞争优势的三种基本战略,提出走集中优势资源进行区域扩张的竞争策略。

    It analyzes in detail the three basic strategies in gaining market competition advantage and concludes that the competition strategy the group should take is focusing preponderant resources to make area expansion .

  28. 最后,针对企业中长期的能力战略规划进行了一些探索研究,通过需求管理的能力平衡和产能扩张的混合策略来较好地解决工厂未来几年持续发展的产能需要。

    Finally , make some study for long term capability development strategy , through capability balance of demand management and mixed strategy of capability expansion schedule for Shanghai plant to solve the continuous forecast increasing in following years .

  29. BSNL已经垄断了印度大部分地方的陆地线路服务,并希望通过扩张性的价格策略迅速抢占移动市场中的有利位置。

    BSNL already has a monopoly in landline services in most of India , and hopes quickly to gain a stronghold in the mobile market with an aggressive pricing strategy .

  30. 谈医院扩张经营的筹资策略

    Discussing financing strategy in expanding run of the hospital