
  • 网络diffusion rate;diffusion velocity;rate of diffusion
  1. 用同位素方法试验表明,稀土提高了钢中铬的扩散速度,促进了Cr2O3保护膜的形成。

    The examination of radioactive isotopic technique showed that the rare earth elements increased the diffusion rate of chromium and the Cr_2O_3 protective film formed in steel adding RE metal .

  2. 活性炭吸附丙酮时,其扩散速度的主要制约因素为knudsen扩散。

    Diffusion rate is mainly restricted by Knudsen Diffusion when adsorption of acetone onto activated carbon .

  3. 杜克大学的赫尔曼·庞策教授称,这将有助于揭示癌症的扩散速度是否会随着新陈代谢的变化而有所不同,以及不同年龄段的用药量是否应进行调整。

    Prof Herman Pontzer from Duke University said it could help reveal whether cancers spread differently as the metabolism changes and if drug doses could be adjusted during different phases .

  4. K2能表征聚矾铸膜液在凝胶过程中,良溶剂与凝胶介质双向扩散速度之比;

    In the gelation process , the diffusion ratio could be indicated by K_Sbetween good-solvent and gelation medium .

  5. 快冷钎料中Si元素在母材中的扩散速度和深度都远高于普通铸态钎料。

    The diffuse speed and depth of Si element in rapid solidification brazing metal are higher than that in as-cast one .

  6. FD在脑内扩散速度大于FA;

    Diffusion velocity of FD was higher than FA ;

  7. 贮氢合金冷却速度太快,晶粒细化,氢在合金中的扩散速度下降,降低了MHNi电池低温放电能力。

    The faster hydrogen storage alloy solidifies , the worse low temperature characteristics of Ni MH batteries is .

  8. 在传质模型的基础上分析催化剂中CO的分子扩散速度。

    In particular , the Pt utilization was investigated based on their structure models , and the CO-diffusion was theoretically analyzed using mass transfer models .

  9. 此外,Sr的扩散速度明显小于Al和Si,并且略微降低了体系的整体扩散。

    Besides , the diffusion of Sr is much slower than that of Al and Si , and thus lowers the total diffusion coefficient of the system .

  10. HCl和FeCl2在阴离子交换膜中扩散速度的测定

    Determination of the diffusion velocity of HCl and FeCl 2 in anion exchange membrane

  11. 这一结果首次验证了其他学者提出的推测:不活泼气体氮确实会渗入贵金属Pd层,并提高Ti原子在Pd层中的扩散速度。

    This result is the first time verifying the unverified inference that the inactive ambient N2 will diffuse into the noble metal Pd and enhance the diffusion of Ti atoms in Pd .

  12. 最后使用基于rgb模型的光流法,得到爆炸过程中的云雾扩散速度。

    Finally , the improved optical flow method based on rgh model is applied in the estimation of the velocity of the diffusing cloud in explosion .

  13. 硅相对铜在Al-Si-Cu合金中扩散速度影响的研究

    Effect of Silicon Phase on Copper Diffusion Speed in the Al-Si-Cu Alloys

  14. 确定了低温下非平衡载流子复合率及扩散速度的降低,是导致SRAM断电后数据残留的主要原因。

    The root cause of data remanence of SRAM is determined which is the decrease of excess-carrier recombination rate and carrier diffusion velocity at low temperature .

  15. 第四章描述国际数字鸿沟的发展现状,分别对ICT普及水平和扩散速度的影响因素进行实证研究。

    In chapter four , the thesis firstly describes the status quo of international digital divide , and empirically studies the determinants of ICT penetration level and diffusion rate .

  16. 考虑到电子能量分布,认为电子碰撞电离速率系数f取决于电子的迁移速度VE和扩散速度VD,而不象以前假设电离速率系数f为一常数。

    E. the ionization coefficient f of electron collision with neutral moleculars is contributed from both of electron drift velocity and diffusion velocity while it was assumed to be a constant in the previous model .

  17. 分析结果表明,在钎焊过程中,IMC的类型与焊料成分有关,与衬底金属在焊料合金中的溶解度及扩散速度有关;

    The analysis results show that the types of IMCs mainly depend on solder composition and the solubility and diffusion rate of metal substrate in solder alloy ;

  18. 利用高速摄影和红外测温计,实测了伴有爆炸反应的FAE燃料扩散速度、半径及云雾的温度;

    The dispersion Velocity , Radius and temperature of the fuel with explosive reaction were measured by use of high speed photography and infrared transducers .

  19. 本文证明了非线性波动方程的一类小初值问题,当初始能量小于或等于零时,解在有限时间内Blowup.并给出当解有有限扩散速度时解的生命区间(lifespan)的上界估计。

    In this paper , we prove that the solutions of Cauchy problems to some nonlinear wave equations with small initial data blow up when the intial energy is less than or equal zero , and we have obtained the estimation of supremum life span of the solutions .

  20. 研究结果表明:1.Cr-Mn-N系高氮钢铸锭晶粒粗大,认为是Mn含量过高,C、N原子扩散速度快导致高温下晶粒长大迅速。

    The results of the study indicate that : 1.Cr-Mn-N high nitrogen steel casting ingot has coarse grains , it is due to the high atomic diffusion speed of high content of Mn , C and N in high temperature .

  21. 通过EIP,企业能很好的整合内部各种资源,减少信息孤岛,从而满足对信息以及增长和扩散速度的需求。

    Through EIP , enterprise can very fine merger inside various kinds of resource , reduce the detached island of information , thus meet the demands of information and increasing and rate of diffusion correctly .

  22. 结果表明:在ASR同时作用时,混凝土的氯离子扩散速度减慢,混凝土对氯离子的结合表现为线性吸附关系,氯离子结合能力也明显降低;

    The results show that the diffusion rate of chloride ion is alleviated in the existence of ASR . The binding capacity of chloride in the concrete with ASR is much lower than that in the concrete without ASR .

  23. 刺苍耳(Xanthiumspinosum)原产南美洲,是一种已在世界上广泛蔓延且入侵性极强的恶性杂草,同时也是新疆外来入侵植物中扩散速度最快和潜在危害最大的杂草之一。

    Spiny Cocklebur ( Xanthium spinosum ), which is native to the South America , is a malignant weeds with strong invasive ability and it has been widely spread in the world . It is also one of the fastest spreading and most potentially harmful invasive species in Xinjiang .

  24. 扩散速度与组元的质量守恒方程

    On Diffusion Velocity and the Mass Conservation Equation for Components

  25. 扩散速度有限的多物种反应扩散过程的存在性及唯一性

    The existence and uniqueness of multi - species reaction - diffusion processes

  26. 基于扩散速度方法粘性流场的离散涡数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of viscous flowfields using diffusion velocity method

  27. 这种同步状态正是扩散速度下降的原因。

    In some sense , it is the synchrony that induces diffusion slowing .

  28. 技术创新扩散速度模型及实证分析

    The Innovation Diffusion Rate Model and Its Empirical Analysis

  29. 穿过水膜的扩散速度控制NH4+的吸附一解吸速率;

    NH4 diffusion speed was the factor controlling the NH4 adsorbing and desorbing rates .

  30. 磁源边长大小对电磁场扩散速度影响规律研究

    A Study on Diffusion Speed of Electromagnetic Field with Different Size of Magnetic Source