
  • 网络Scan range;scanning range;Sweep range;Scan Area
  1. 光机扫描是用机械装置带动其反射系统旋转以实现激光光束的扫描,其原理简单,扫描范围大,但机械系统存在机构精度差、稳定性较难控制等问题。

    The rule is easy , sweep range greatly , yet the problem is that the machine system is the bad accuracy and the stability is harder domination and so on .

  2. 从上述研究对象中选取扫描范围自鼻根至舌骨的汉族男女性患者44例,测量其切牙区、尖牙区、前磨牙区、磨牙区的骨密度。

    From the above study , select 44 cases Han people that the scan range from the nasion to the hyoid , measuring the bone density in their anterior teeth , canine area , molar area and molar area .

  3. 在扫描范围内曲线没有峰值,n型和p型掺杂可以连续转换进行。

    There is no peaks over the scanning range . The doping curves for both p-type and n-type doping regions change smoothly and continuously .

  4. 通过调整椭圆的轴比可以实现E面和H面波束宽度独立可控,并且实现更宽的扫描范围。

    The beamwidth in E-and H-planes can be individually controlled and wider coverage is obtained through adjusting the axial ratio of the ellipse .

  5. 结论多层面CT能够提供与单层面CT机一样的质量,而单位时间的扫描范围是单层面CT机的2~3倍,多层面CT机是CT未来发展的一个主要方向。

    Conclusion Multi slice CT can provide equivalent image quality at 2 to 3 times the volume coverage speed of the single slice CT . It will be the most important trend for CT system development .

  6. 选择了最佳的富集和溶出底液,优化了各种实验参数(如富集底液的pH、富集时间、扫描范围、扫描速率等),并考察了其他离子的干扰影响。

    Under the best accumulation and determination solution , different parameters such as the pH of the accumulating solution , preconcentration time , the scan potential , scan rate and so on were optimized .

  7. 扫描范围:上缘包括T3上缘,下缘超过L5下缘。

    Scanning range : The upper edge including the T3 vertebra upper edge , the lower edge surpassing the L5 vertebra lower edge .

  8. 1例多发转移瘤者,扫描范围从肺尖至肺底(准值5mm,无重叠连续重建)。

    In one patient with diffuse metastatic nodules , the whole lung was scanned ( collimation : 5mm ; no overlap reconstruction ) .

  9. 研制出由微机控制谐振腔的精密微调装置,扫描范围为±3cm,微调精度达1μm。

    A fine adjustment device driven by a personal computer is developed , the cavity axis can be moved by the device in the range of ± 30 mm with a resolution of 1 μ m.

  10. 结果表明,在纤维及其模拟基质单晶硅表面,长链烷基聚硅氧烷均可定向排列形成粗糙的疏水性硅膜,在2μm2扫描范围内,该硅膜的均方根粗糙度达到了0.199nm。

    Experiment results indicate that the polysiloxane can form a hydrophobic and coarse silicone film in oriented arrangement on the surface of fibers or silicon substrate . And in ( 2 μ m ~ 2 ) scanning field , the average roughness of the film reaches ( 0.199 nm . )

  11. 循环伏安测试表明:在2.80~4.80V扫描范围内,该正极材料发生Ni2+/Ni3+,Co3+/Co4+两对电化学反应。EIS测试表明:随着充电截止电压的增大,该正极材料的传荷电阻变小。

    CV and EIS tests show that two redox couples of Ni2 + / Ni3 + and Co3 + / Co4 + are observed in the potential range of 2.80 ~ 4.80 V , and charge transfer resistance of the cathode decreases as the charge cutoff voltage increased .

  12. 该膜表面不很均匀,有高低不平的峰形形貌存在,在2μm2扫描范围内ASO-702硅膜表面的均方根粗糙度达到了0.247nm。

    The film is uneven , with a lot of high or low peaks in its dimensional topography . And in the 2 μ m ~ 2 scanning region , the average film roughness ( Rq . ) of ASO-702 has achieved ( 0.247 ) nm .

  13. 当扫描范围设置为0~0.7V时,循环伏安曲线表现出良好的电容器电极材料的特点&类似矩形。

    It has shown that oxide nickel is a suitable supercapacitor electrode material . In the potential window between 0 and 0.7V , the cyclic voltammetric curve shows the character of capacitior : the square-like shape .

  14. 采用气相色谱-质谱联用法,配合溶剂延迟并选择适当的质谱扫描范围以及Postrun迅速升温、迅速加大载气流量,以直接进样的方法快速测定了啤酒中异戊醇的含量。

    A rapid method for the determination of isoamyl alcohol in beer is described , using GC-MS along with solvent delay , proper selection of MS scanning range , swift raise of temperature and He flow in the postrun period , and direct injection as well .

  15. 新型大扫描范围原子力显微镜的研究

    Study on a novel atomic force microscope with large scanning range

  16. 扫描范围自肺尖至左右髂血管分叉处。

    The range was from lung tip to cross of iliac vessels .

  17. 确定增强扫描范围、佳注射速率与重建矩阵。

    The scan cover , injection rate and reconstruction matrix were assured .

  18. 近场散射测量扫描范围及数据处理方法研究

    Study on scanning area and data processing method in near field scattering measurement

  19. 探针会报告扫描范围内扫到所有物体。

    Probes will always report every single scannable object within their scanning range .

  20. 方法确定增强扫描范围、最佳扫描时间及增强方法。

    Method s The proper area , time , method of enhanced scan were determined .

  21. 在检测候选者时使用三激光联合数据,增大了扫描范围和检测候选的准确性。

    Three laser joint data enlarges the scanning area and increases the accuracy of detection .

  22. 结果:在系统扫描范围内实现20μm直线定位精度。

    RESULTS : The precision of locating is 20 μ m in the linear scanning range .

  23. 扫描范围:自膈顶到耻骨联合下缘。

    Scanning range : from diaphragmatic dome to the lower edge of pubic symphysis . 5 .

  24. 频率扫描范围,频率步进和驻留时间等参数可由软件设置。

    The range , stepped frequency and dwell time of sweep frequency could be set by software .

  25. 若将其应用于相控阵天线,可以达到拓宽波束扫描范围的效果。

    Wider scanning angle can be achieved if adopting pattern reconfigurable antennas as the elements of phased array .

  26. 得到了自组装后胶原蛋白的不同扫描范围的透射模式近场光学像以及反射模式近场光学像。

    With different scan size , the transmission-mode and reflection-mode NSOM optical images were achieved of self-assembled collagen .

  27. 侧装式摄像机能不间断查看底部安装,180度倾斜轴可以提供更大的垂直扫描范围。

    The side-mounted camera allows an uninterrupted view beneath the installation and its180-degree tilt axis provides greater vertical scan .

  28. 束扫描范围2×2mm~2。该枪已用于扫描离子显微镜中。

    The beam scanning area is 2 × 2mm ~ 2 . The gun has been applied in a SIM .

  29. 源码爱好者注:如果设定的端口扫描范围较宽的话,程序可能出现假死。

    Source enthusiasts Note : If you set a wide range of port scan , the program may be suspended animation .

  30. 多场扫描范围是多场扫描捕获的关键性参数,需要进行详细的分析。

    And the scanning range is a key parameter of multi field scanning , so the precise study of it is needed .